Year 3 Spotlight

Year 3 Spotlight
Year 3 students have already been so busy this term and it’s only week four! Last week they participated in their first ever NAPLAN. They completed four assessments and worked so hard. Well done Year 3 students, we are all so proud of you!
We have been exploring the narrative structure and developing our characters and setting before we begin to plan this week. The students used adjectives to describe their characters both internally and externally to create a persona and they sketched their main settings.
I’ve enjoyed creating the characters and their traits for my narrative titled ‘Animals of the Night!’. ~ - Lily R, 3A
I found creating the characters for my narrative interesting and a bit challenging, especially deciding what internal traits to give them. ~ Henry IF, 3A
I thought giving my characters internal and external traits was a little difficult but also fun. ~ Emi C, 3A
My main character’s name is Bob, and his internal traits are nice, caring and a positive thinker. ~ Ari T, 3A
What is the text mostly about? What is the text mainly about? What words and phrases are repeated in this text? During the whole class focus we have been learning how to find the main idea of a text by determining the important information. We have enjoyed a range of books including Mr Huff.
I like reading books as a grade! ~ Freya W, 3B
I’m enjoying reading George’s Marvellous Medicine with my group. ~ Harry V, 3B
How do you travel to school? How many wrappers are in your lunchbox? What is your favourite Australian mammal? These are just some of the questions students have been asking each other to gather data. They have begun to create column graphs and will soon be learning how to generate these online.
I like doing addition. It was really fun because we learnt different strategies. ~ Alex N, 3C
I enjoyed learning how to use the compensation strategy because I really like rounding. ~ Nick B, 3C
I liked the vertical strategy because it’s quick and fun. ~ Rose G, 3C
I like the split strategy because it was easy, fun and made sense. ~ Jimmy H, 3C
In the classroom, we are learning to use the scientific method to predict, observe, explain, and reflect on different chemical experiments. Throughout the term we will be conducting a range of experiments to explore the states of matter. Last week we mixed vinegar and bi-carb to create a gas.
I have loved making experiments and predicting what will happen. ~ Georgia B, 3D
I liked learning how science actually worked when we did the balloon experiment. I also liked how my partner and I worked well together. ~ Andy M, 3D
I liked watching the balloon inflate when the bi-carb soda mixed with the vinegar. ~ Sammy W, 3D
~ Year 3 Teachers (Michele, Monique, Mariah & Steph) and Students