Around The College 

Super Space Review

By Ruby Mechielsen, Mei Louey, Erika Tattersall & Bella Pais (7y1)

On May the 2nd and May the 3rd 7Y1 and 7E1 went to Monash Tech School. We got to experience the super space program first, and in this article, we will be writing about our thoughts of the experience. During the experience we did different activities to create a suit. To make the Space Suit for each astronaut, each team was given 50 plastic coins that were made from a 3D Printer. And with those coins we would buy what we needed for our astronaut suit. That would be oxygen, materials, gyroscopes, helmets, a scanner, and a choice of either Propulsion, Armour, Angle Joints, and Pistons.


Activities – The Rotations 

Day 1

On the first day of Super space, we did 3 activities. Exoskeleton, Communication and Scanning - we learned about how Exoskeletons are wearable devices that work with us, some making us stronger and faster. In Scanning we got to use scanning devices that would tell us what type of minerals were in the rocks. In Communication we were provided with a device that only selected universities and professionals can use. They are AR helmets which are sophisticated communication devices called Holo-lens, allowing us to video chat, draw and send through documents. 


Day 2

On the second day we did materials, stabilisation, oxygen and towards the end of the day, assembling our suits. At the material station we got to learn what each material did and test their capabilities to see if they could sustain heat and more. In oxygen we could choose between exercising or becoming a scientist. The exercisers had a unique role for each person. One would check their heartbeat rate and oxygen levels while another one would breathe into a special gadget that calculates the amount of Carbon Dioxide was breathed out. And the last person would record all the data on the sheet. The scientist would time, calculate and record all the data. Finally, we had to assemble our astronaut suit. Each team would put the outer layer of the material they chose (cut by the Cricut) and put it onto our plastic astronaut figure. Once we successfully added the material, we would add the accessories that we bought and place it where we thought would be best. 


Final Thoughts and Opinions

Overall, we all loved this experience. If we had the chance to do it again, we all would. We thank Monash Tech School for the wonderful excursion! 

House and Community Day

House Day

When: Tuesday 7th June

Dress: Normal school uniform.


Each Term, the House and Assistant House Captains host a House Day. We would like to acknowledge and thank students for embracing our Aspire activities and who got involved in our lunchtime activities in Term 1.  The feedback that we received from both staff and students was very positive. 


This term, our House day Aspire activities are based on the theme of Our Planet, Our Home. Together with the students in their Aspire class, students you will partake in activities that highlight this. In addition, during Aspire, House and Assistant House captain’s together with the student leadership team will be hosting a House assembly. We are really excited to host our first face to face House assembly to celebrate student achievement, success and showcase.


On House Day, during lunchtime, students are encouraged to participate in the range of activities that are focused on mixing with friends, having fun and a laugh whilst experiencing a sense of belonging. These activities include:

  1. 6 Square competition
  2. Tree painting
  3. Ring toss and Bean bag throw competition
  4. Skipping
  5. Chalk drawing
  6. Hula Hoop competition
  7. Year 12 versus dodgeball competition.

Tuesday 31st at lunch (Week 6) there will be the opportunity for students to sign-up for the Year 12 versus the school dodgeball competition.  Any participating student MUST be signed up for a Team as well as bring a change of footwear (runners) to be allowed to play.


Community Day

When: Thursday 16th June

Dress: Casual dress with a $2 donation. 

Each term the SRC team together with the student leadership team, plan, organize and run a Community day. The aim of Community day is to bring us together as a whole school community to recognize, acknowledge and celebrate important social events and issues and participate in associated activities. 


Our theme for this Term 2’s  Community Day is Our Planet, our home.   2022 is a historic milestone for the global environmental community. It marks 50 years since the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, widely seen as the first international meeting on the environment. The 1972 Stockholm Conference spurred the formation of environment ministries and agencies around the world and kickstarted a host of new global agreements to collectively protect the environment. There is only one earth and together we can protect it   


This Term our Community Day is on Thursday 16th June. During this day, for a $2 donation, students will be able to wear casual dress. The money raised from our casual dress day, will be going towards the State school relief (provides financial support to local families in need) and Brentwood Plant a tree day to support the Green Teams efforts in planting trees in the local area. Please ensure that your son/daughter has your $2 coin on them for Period one, as this will be when we will be collecting the money.  It is really important to emphasize – if your son/daughter does not intend to make a $2 donation to this great cause then it is an expectation that they wear school uniform for the day. 


During Lunchtime, the SRC, together with our student leadership team will be hosting a range of activities in the Western Courtyard.  These activities include:

  • Toss a Trash Memory game
  • Pin the leaf on the tree Student Versus Staff Debates
  • Hula Hoops Competition
  • Rap Battle
  • Trivia
  • Face Painting
  • Scavenger Hunt

We look forward to your son/daughter being involved in both days.


Tracey Cain, Director of Student Leadership


Senior VCAL PDS Projects

This semester, as part of Senior VCAL Personal development skills (PDS) Senior VCAL students have been completing group projects. Each of their projects has had an emphasis on improving and adding value to our school community. 


Well being sign – Callum Power, Ashlee Nicovski, Niamh Berry, Mia Dao

At Brentwood Secondary College we are very fortunate to have such a strong team of wellbeing professionals and workers to support both students and staff. Wellbeing’s previous location was well known. The physical environment with it’s bright coloured walls and signs helped to radiate a welcoming and warm feel. Recently, Wellbeing moved to a new location outside of the music room. We felt that due to this move, that some students may not be aware of it’s location and hence the idea of the sign was formulated.  In addition, taking into consideration the strengths of Wellbeing’s previous location, students wanted to adopt a colour scheme that was also bright, cheerful and visually appealing. Together with the Arts executive team, students are working to complete the wellbeing sign. Please keep an eye out for it, in the coming months.


Day excursion – Geordie Armstrong, Edward Tirmes, Seger Formosa, Shaan Thiruchelvan

We feel that there are many benefits of getting out of the school to foster class collaboration, positive relationship building and improve mental health. We encourage you to embrace all opportunities that students have to go out on an excursion whether it is a sports day or subject based outing; their school journey will forever be enriched. In addition, students now have a greater appreciation of how much work goes into planning and running a day excursion. Believe me it is enormous! With this in mind, please make sure that the next time your son/daughters venture out on an excursion or camp that you take the time to thank and recognise the hard work of the classroom teachers. 


Suggestion Boxes – Aaron Linton, Genna Margelis. Lachie Williamson, George Rigopoulos, Sophie Curren

We believe that a high functioning school is one where student voice is strong and valued. In order to facilitate this, students liaised with myself, the SRC and House leaders and found, that the concept of creating a physical place to collect student ideas and concerns, was of value. Taking into consideration this feedback, students designed, collaborated and constructed the Year level suggestion boxes. These boxes are located outside the library entrance near the House Hub. Over the coming Term, the SRC will be developing a clear process where students can write down, and share their ideas and thoughts for school improvement, and subsequent discussions can occur. We look forward to seeing the fruits of our labour. We would like to acknowledge and thank Adam, Mr Satchell, Mr McCabe and Riley Daniels for all of their technical assistance during our construction phase. 


House Points Board – Josh Jenson, James Dennehy, Kaiden Browne, Ryan Cavallaro

Since the introduction of the House system, Brentwood has taken pride in building and fostering House spirit. Our concept of a House Points board was devised from a need to provide a more visual aid to track the House points that are accrued throughout the year.  Our House Board will bring many benefits including sparking enthusiasm and competitiveness amongst Houses and increasing participation in a range of Sporting carnivals and other school events. The House points board will be overseen by the Staff and student House leaders. We look forward to assisting in fostering House spirit throughout our school community. We would like to acknowledge and thank Mr Satchell, Mr Strong and Adam for all of his technical assistance during our construction phase. 


Congratulations to all students.

Tracey Cain, Senior VCAL PDS Classroom teacher