
Watsonia RSL Anzac Day Service
Macleod College leaders were invited to partake in the Watsonia RSL Anzac Day Service. It was a privilege to have been part of this wonderful service honouring the men and women, who served, fought, lost their lives along with those who continue to serve for our country today.
College representative leaders Khadija Hussein (Deputy Captain) Charlotte Law and Abigail Malika, (Student Ambassadors) and myself, Amelia Marsicovetere, (College Captain) spoke at the service alongside Hon Colin Brookes MLA.
A wreath on behalf of Macleod College community was laid displaying our respects for the ANZACs who sacrificed their lives for us. It was a beautiful service with many people in attendance to pay their respects to our ANZACs.
The service was a rewarding experience, and we were very honoured that we were invited to be a part of the service. I encourage the school community to attend this service in the future.