
How lovely it was to return to school after the recent holidays, to see the fencing removed and our beautiful new play spaces revealed and ready for use. The students were so excited to be able to run and play without the limitations they had weathered last term. Our challenge now is to look after these spaces and ensure that they are able to grow and thrive so that we can enjoy them into the future.
The classes have settled in quickly and are ready to get to work. This term, they are looking forward to participating in the gymnastics and interschool sports program after a long break from these much-enjoyed experiences. It is a good feeling to be able to plan these types of activities for our students again and not worry about the possibility of them being cancelled. The first week of these programs saw some very excited young people eager to get started.
Next week, our Year 3 and 5 students will be participating in NAPLAN testing. These tests will take place from Tuesday 10 May, commencing with Writing on this day, followed by Reading and Language Conventions on Wednesday 11 May and finally Mathematics on Thursday 12 May. If students happen to be absent on any of these days, they will have the opportunity to do a catch-up session in the following week. All of the tests, with the exception of Year 3 Writing, will be done on computers.
It was lovely to catch up with some of you at the Appreciation Afternoon Tea on Thursday afternoon. We enjoy the opportunity to chat to parents informally and connect with you again after the restrictions of the past two years. Never before, has the partnership between home and school been so important for our children, and we want you to know how much we appreciate your role in this here at Macleod.
Now that we are back in full swing at school, please remember that it is vital for our students to be at school as much as possible, to ensure that they are not missing out on important learning opportunities and maintaining those connections with their friends and teachers.
Karen Butterworth
Some of the Grade 6 Students in their new jackets
Year 5 and 6 Buddies giving their Prep/1 Buddies a picture book they wrote and illustrated
Primary Parliament House Visit March 2022
Macleod College New Playground - Student Comments
Macleod College's new playground is nice and modern, it has been amazing to be able to have a nice play area.
Katelyn Year 4
I think that the new playground is great, clean and amazing and has great modern and safe features. I love the new grassy field which I can run and play on. I also think that a lot of kids this term are more caring for the environment, with less rubbish everywhere.
Zoe Year 5