Deputy Principal

Michelle Hinds

Care in our Catholic Schools

Catholic Education Week highlights the great things happening at St Therese's. Schools are always doing their best to ensure the care of their students. Our duty of care extends all year round and is always our highest priority.


It is an opportune time to share this information with the school community given what has happened in Texas last week. I want to assure families that our staff engages in annual emergency training, which in fact occurred last week, regarding how we respond and manage any school emergency.


We also conduct emergency drills with our students to ensure preparedness. We conducted a lock down drill today which ran smoothly and we conducted an evacuation drill last term.


A new collection of Child Safety Standards has also been issued by the Victorian Government along with a new Ministerial Order 1359. These standards inform and guide schools on how to uphold our core business of taking care and educating students. All children have the right to feel safe and be safe, but safety does not just happen.


Please find attached the Short Guide to the Child Safe Standards.



Dental Program

Thank you to all those families who took the offer to engage in the Dental Program provided by our school this year.


From all accounts, it was a good experience for our students. Student voice is the best endorsement regarding the visit to the dentist, so here are some of their comments:


I was interested in all the tools the dentist used during my visit. By Abigail 4F

I liked the way the dentist talked to me because she made me feel comfortable. 

By Hiruka 4B

I noticed the tools the dentist used such as the water tube and little mirror. The dentist cleaned my teeth. By Chason 3H

My teeth were cleaner once I visited the dentist. By Kollyan 3H

I sat in the dentist chair. By Marcellin FE

The dentist used toothpaste to clean my teeth. Jasraj FE


Michelle Hinds

Deputy Principal

5996 7525