Assistant Principal's Report

Miss Carly Epskamp

We have had some really special and exciting things happening here at DPS over the last few weeks. A huge thank you to the teachers, students and parents who continue to create these wonderful opportunities for all of us to share in. 


Science Week

DPS students really enjoyed making predictions, conducting experiments and collecting data in Science Week. Some of the Level Six students were passionate about their discoveries and what they were able to achieve in Science Week and decided to share some comments.  


Arta 6J - I liked Science Week, because I learnt about the effect of water when put with baking soda. We did a Science experiment and witnessed the chemical reaction between vinegar and baking soda.

It’s fun to do experiments, make predictions and the  see what happens.


Adaliah 6J - Science Week was fun! I like science and I enjoy learning about how things work. When we did our experiment, we were trying to  see if a snaplock bag would explode when making soda and vinegar mixed with warm water. It's important to learn about Science so we can have a better understanding of things in our world like space and medicine.


Book Week

More recently we celebrated Book Week and had competitions and many exciting activities and events throughout the week. The Cake decorating Competition was a huge success and we had outstanding entries. Students voted for their favourite books in 'Battle of the Books' and had a lot of fun tallying votes and eliminating books from the competition. The Scholastic Book Fair was outstanding and we managed to sell an excessive amount of books as well as diaries, comics, erasers, glitter pens and highlighters. For many students, their favourite part of the week was the Book Week Dress Up Day where we saw some clever and creative costumes. We noticed a vast range of characters including Harry Potter, Wally, Buzz Lightyear, Little Red Riding Hood, Queen of Hearts and one of my personal favourites The Gruffalo.    


Premiers Reading Challenge

 WOW, over 100 DPS students have already completed the Premiers' Reading Challenge for this year! Congratulations and well done to those students! The challenge finishes tomorrow, so this is your last chance to take part. Happy Reading!   


Fathers Day

Last week the JSC organised a Fathers Day Raffle and three students were lucky enough to win prizes to gift to their Dad this Sunday. Wishing all of the Dads and male role models a very Happy Fathers Day. We hope you enjoy a day full of family fun. 


Professional Practise Day

Professional Practice Days provide teachers with opportunities to focus on the improved delivery of high quality teaching and learning. Our final Professional Practice Day for 2022 is scheduled for Friday 9th September and students are not required at school on this day.