CEPS Kids are

Friendly Kids

This term we are working on CO-OPERATION 

and next week we are looking at


Including others


Including others makes everyone feel good


Including others in your games and activities makes everyone feel good.  It means that you are generous and willing to share your time with others and care about their feelings.  If you include others in your games, they are more likely to include you when you are looking for someone to play with or talk to. 



  • Always remember that when you refuse to let people join your games, you hurt their feelings.
  • Look around and see if anyone looks as though they would like to be a part of your game. 
  • Smile and say something like, “Why don’t you play too.”



  • Ignore people who would like to be included in your game or look lonely.
  • Think that your group of friends will be wrecked if you invite someone else to join your games sometimes.









The above students were rewarded with a CEPS award last term for learning skills   'Respecting the Opinions of others'

This term's Value is CO-OPERATION.






The above students were rewarded as our Value Ambassadors for the week.  The students worked very hard during the week representing all of our school values - COURTESY  RESPECT  CO-OPERATION  and RESPONSIBILITY.