News from the University of Melbourne

  • Guaranteed Study Pathways

The following entry guarantees, and packages are available to students applying for entry to Melbourne undergraduate degrees.  For each pathway, students must enrol in an undergraduate degree at the University of Melbourne to be eligible.  A guaranteed entry is available for most graduate degrees, depending on the ATAR a student achieves:


ATAR of 99.90Melbourne Chancellor’s Scholarship

A Guaranteed Commonwealth Supported Place in one of the Graduate Course Guarantee Courses for students who meet the prerequisite course and entry requirements for the master degree.

Visit Melbourne Chancellor's Scholarship to find out more specific details about the exact value of the scholarship for domestic and International students.

ATAR of 96.00 – 99.85

Domestic students will be guaranteed a CSP place in a professional entry master’s (coursework) degree from a select list if they satisfy the course prerequisites.  In most cases they need to achieve a particular weighted average mark (GPA) in their undergraduate degree as well. 

International students will be guaranteed an international fee place in a professional entry master’s (coursework) degree from a select list if they satisfy the course prerequisites.  In most cases they need to achieve a particular weighted average mark (GPA) in their undergraduate degree as well.

Visit Courses for ATARs 96 and above to find out which courses apply and the exact GPA required.

ATAR below 96.00

These guaranteed entry pathways into limited graduate courses are based on academic performance in a current University of Melbourne undergraduate degree and are not subject to any ATAR requirement.  Eligibility will also be based on meeting the prerequisites for the graduate degree.

Visit Course Guarantees without an ATAR to find out more.

Find out more at Guaranteed Entry to Graduate Degrees and Graduate Degree Packages to learn more.

  • Guaranteed ATARs for 2023

The university is offering school-leaver applicants the assurance of guaranteed ATARs for entry into many of its undergraduate courses.  The guaranteed ATARs aim to provide students with comfort and assurance, allowing them to prepare for life and study at the University of Melbourne in 2023. Guaranteed ATARS are applicable to domestic and international students.

To be eligible for guaranteed entry, applicants must also meet the following requirements: 

  • Satisfy all course prerequisites and achieve the ATAR (or notional ATAR) outlined in the table below
  • Apply to their preferred undergraduate course at the University via VTAC 


Bachelor of Agriculture72.0070.00
Bachelor of Arts88.0085.00
Bachelor of Biomedicine95.00*95.00*
Bachelor of Commerce93.0092.00
Bachelor of Design88.0085.00
Bachelor of Oral Healthn/a85.00 (indicative only)
Bachelor of Science88.0085.00

*Pending approval by Academic Board


Note: selection into the following degrees is not ATAR-based but based on a range of selection criteria – Bachelor of Fine Arts and Bachelor of Music.


  • Entry for Design Graduate Packages for 2023

The Design Graduate Degree Packages have been revised for 2023 entry for both domestic and International students and guaranteed for 2023 only:


Bachelor of Design + Master of Architecture


Bachelor of Design + Master of Property


Bachelor of Design + Master of Landscape Architecture


Bachelor of Design + Master of Construction Management


Bachelor of Design + Master of Urban Planning


Bachelor of Arts + Master of Urban Planning


  • Access Melbourne

Access Melbourne is a special entry and access scheme offered by the University of Melbourne to domestic students.  By applying through Access Melbourne, students can be assured that any circumstances that have affected their education will be considered when the university assesses their Year 12 results.  Access Melbourne can assist eligible students to enter a course even if their ATAR is below the lowest selection ranked ATAR and to also be considered for a Melbourne Access scholarship.  Access Melbourne consideration is available to domestic Year 12 students who apply for Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) via VTAC.  The closing date for submissions is 7 October 2022.


Year 12 students can apply using one or more of the following categories:


  • Disadvantaged financial background
  • Resident of a rural or remote area (includes low socio-economic residential areas)
  • First in Family 
  • Under-represented school
  • Difficult circumstances
  • Disability or medical condition
  • Non-English-speaking background
  • Recognition as an Indigenous Australian

Access Melbourne categories that provide a guaranteed ATAR for entry are: 

  1. Disadvantaged financial background (includes low socio-economic residential areas)
  2. Applicants from rural or remote areas 

Students eligible to apply as a rural or financially disadvantaged student, and meet course prerequisites, may apply for guaranteed entry to the University of Melbourne with an -ATAR of 74.00 for a place in Arts, Design or Science

ATAR of 80.00 for a place a place in Commerce

ATAR of 88.00 for a place a place in Biomedicine

The University also offers guarantees for Indigenous students who meet course prerequisites and apply with an ATAR of:


  • 50.00 Arts (Extended)
  • 55.00 Science (Extended)*
  • 70.00 Design
  • 74.00 Science
  • 74.00 Arts
  • 75.00 Commerce
  • 85.00 Biomedicine


*Applicants for guaranteed entry to the Bachelor of Science (Extended) also require a study score of 25 in at least    one of:   VCE unit 3/4 in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or any Mathematics, or equivalent


There are also several Melbourne Access scholarships available through the University's scholarships program, so students are encouraged to browse Melbourne Access Scholarships.  


Study Score Consideration and VTAC Personal Statement

In 2023, the university will consider criteria in addition to the ATAR for eligible students who are Access Melbourne applicants (from categories: disadvantaged financial background, resident of a regional or remote area, difficult circumstances, disability or medical condition).  Access Melbourne students who attain a lower ATAR but achieve a study score of at least 35 in at least one VCE 3/4 subject that is relevant to their course preference, may submit a VTAC Personal Statement highlighting their career ambitions, outlining the future benefits for the community they hope to achieve, and their motivations for participating in higher education study at Melbourne.  Students must also meet course prerequisites, and achieve an ATAR of at least:

  • 72.00 for Arts, Design, or Science
  • 78.00 for Commerce
  • 86.00 for Biomedicine

Browse Study Score Consideration and VTAC Personal Statement noting which VCE subjects are eligible for consideration here.