Education in Faith

Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C


In this week’s Gospel, Jesus tells us three parables about losing, finding, and rejoicing. The outcasts of society, the taxpayers, and the sinners approach Jesus eager to hear what he has to say. The Pharisees and scribes, still suspicious of Jesus, complain about him associating with sinners. Therefore, he tells them these three parables.


In the first story, the parable of The Lost Sheep, the shepherd leaves behind the 99 sheep to search for the one lost sheep. When he finds it, the shepherd rejoices not alone as in Matthew's version, but with friends and neighbours. In the same way, God rejoices more over one sinner who repents - like the outcasts who have come to hear Jesus - than over the 99 righteous like the Pharisees and scribes.




The second story, about a poor woman who will not stop searching until she finds her lost coin, makes the same point. Why are the Pharisees complaining? They should rejoice

 when the lost are found.


Finally, we come to what is probably the most memorable parable in the Gospels, the story we know as The Prodigal Son. Just as in The Lost Sheep and The Lost Coin, found only in Luke’s Gospel is really about the seeker. 


The loving father is at the centre of this parable. Even though his son runs off with his father's inheritance and squanders the money, the father waits for him, hoping for his return. Upon his son's return, the father, “full of compassion,” runs out to embrace and forgive him before the son can utter one word of repentance. At this point the rejoicing begins.

The parable does not end there. Rather, it makes one more point about the older son's reaction. This son who never left, just like the Pharisees and scribes who feel they are righteous, refuses to enter his father's house to join in the rejoicing. He has served his father. He has obeyed him. Perhaps it was not out of love. The father's response teaches us that God's care and compassion extend to the righteous and sinner alike. When we are lost, God does not wait for our return. He actively seeks us out. And when the lost are found, how could we not celebrate and rejoice?


Discussion Starters

The boy in the Gospel today who left home and spent all his money ended up looking after pigs and wishing he could eat as well as them. How sad must he have been?

How did his father show he loved his son when he returned home?

When we return to God because we are sorry, how does God treat us?


Sacramental News



To assist us with the administration and preparation of the Sacraments for 2023 we ask you to please accept/decline on Operoo, to indicate the Sacrament your child will be celebrating in 2023


Dates for Sacraments, Parent and Child Workshops will be published in our school app, calendar and newsletter closer to the date of the Sacrament. 

Reconciliation - Baptised Catholics in Year 3 or above.


Sacrament of First Eucharist -  Baptised Catholics in or above who have received their Reconciliation.


Sacrament of Confirmation - Year 6 ONLY - Catholics, who have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and First Eucharist.


God Bless 

Rozeta Ambrose




Each Friday, in Learning Space 3, students can come together at second lunch and pray the Rosary, led by our teacher Eileen.  Everyone is welcome.


When we pray the Rosary,we put ourselves and our intentions into God's hands. As we pray, we can let go of any worries we may have and we can choose to completely trust in God, knowing that He is listening to our prayers and that He wants the best for us and those we pray for.







Teachers have been busily giving House points to students who demonstrate community spirit which includes demonstrating our school values. The points given last week were:


PATRICK            206

TERESA             173                     

MACKILLOP     140                                             

BOSCO               129                                                                                      


Congratulations to Patrick this week!    What a great effort!!


Grade 6 students who have offered to assist with the Junior Footy Rotations next week have also been allocated points for their House for demonstrating Community Spirit and thinking of others within our SFS Community.


So the total points for the Community Spirit Award so far this year:


1st                   TERESA                     3127                           

2nd                  MACKILLOP            2828   

3rd                   PATRICK                   2624   

4th                   BOSCO                      2575


Well done Teresa for still being in the lead!!! But let’s see who will be leading next week!!! Patrick seems to be sneaking up.


Next Tuesday Mini Vinnies will once again collect the point sheets and add the points so that we can give students and staff an update through Morning Gathering on Wednesday and parents will be given an update via the newsletter.


Can’t wait to see who is leading next week after more House points have been distributed!!


Giuliana and SFS Mini Vinnies