Kharisma Kids - OSHC 

With only one week to go for Term 3, our bookings remain open for the Vacation Care program. Please book in before the last day of term (16th Sept).


Our Vacation Care program is open to all primary school aged children. They are not required to be students of St Francis de Sales.  We are open for daily booked care, casual care or occasional care.  


Lunches and Afternoon Snack are currently being provided each day as we continue our trial to encourage the children to eat good nutritious food to help them grow and learn with healthy habits.


We are an approved provider, therefore we can apply and claim any Government funded subsidies directly to your fees resulting in lower fees for families.


The planner is available on our Website or in this and the coming newsletters.


Bookings are made through the Xplor Home app. 

If you are not enrolled you can submit an online enrolment via the following QR code or visiting




If you have a suggestion you would like us to consider, please contact by either:

Email phone or text 0411 295 273 or pop in and see us in LS 1.