Have Your Say

Annual Satisfaction Surveys Have Landed!


The annual parent, student (Year 5 to 11), staff and Year 12 student exit satisfaction surveys have now been sent to our community via email and we eagerly await your responses. 


These annual satisfaction surveys provide us with valuable insight into the experience of Girton Grammar School from parents, students and staff. 

  • Staff have received surveys directly from Independent Schools Victoria with a sender email of noreply@limesurvey.org
  • Parents and students have received an email with the relevant survey link from the Acting Head, Dr Emma O’Rielly. The links for your convenience are as follows: 

Parent Satisfaction Survey



Student Satisfaction Survey 



The Research Unit of Independent Schools Victoria (ISV) will conduct and analyse survey results from each section of our school community. The LEAD School Effectiveness Surveys in which we are participating are benchmarked to help make an accurate and relevant assessment about school operations based on the experience of Girton students, parents and staff compared to other independent Victorian schools. 


Completion of this survey will help to meet reporting requirements on school satisfaction under the National Education Agreement and Schools Assistance Act 2008 and help guide an improvement agenda for the school. 


We look forward to your views on Girton Grammar School.