Musician and Composer of the Year
Musician and Composer of the Year 2022 was held in the Girton Black Box Theatre on Monday 29th August where students presented themselves very well, and the event was well attended. The first aspect of the evening entails students who have previously or are currently studying a VCE music subject to perform a work on their chosen instrument with the aim to be nominated Musician of the Year by a judging panel. The second element of the evening is the presentation of the VCE Music Style and Composition folio works and the announcing of the Composer of the Year. A judging panel evaluates the VCE Music Style and Composition class compositions for 2022 against VCE criteria and selects the most highly regarded work against this criteria.
Thanks must go to adjudicating panels, as this is a very difficult decision, and as usual, very few marks separated the students. Thank you to Mr Dave Martin, Mrs Rachel Levett and Mrs Belinda Moon who adjudicated the Musician of the Year. Thank you to Dr Michael Lichnovsky, Mrs Jennifer Schatzle and Mrs Rachel Levett who adjudicated The Composer of the Year.
The results from the evening are as follows:
Musician of the Year: Mabh Torr (12 Millward)
Highly commended performance: Henry Livingstone (12 Frew)
Highly commended performance: Abraham Geyer (12 Jenkin)
The Composer of the Year: John Nankivell (11 Riley)
Highly commended composition: Alex Blake (11 Millward)
Congratulations, and thanks to Ms Cheryl Long for her accompaniment work. Congratulations to Mr Josh McGuffie for teaching the VCE Music Style and Composition class so well. Thank you to Ms Jennifer Schatzle and the Chamber Choir for their beautiful interlude performance, and finally, the wonderful instrumental music teachers for their exceptional work guiding the students to this performance.
Mr Steve Vine
Head of Music