Last week Mr Adams, with help from Ms Warden and Mr McGee, managed to dodge the inclement weather to  finish marking our Merino lambs.  This resulted in a marking percentage of 106% and interestingly enough when Mr Adams counted the males and females, we had 176 of each sex.


We had planned an excursion for our Year 12 Certificate III students to Three Ryan’s Farm at Manjimup, but unfortunately we have had to postpone the excursion this week with the hope of attending later this term.  At the Three Ryan's Farm they produce free range eggs, vegetable products and lamb herd in a hybrid system.  This involves a mixture of traditional techniques, as well as bio dynamic principles with the aim of having minimal impact on the environment.


Rabobank WA Sheep Expo & Ram Sale - Katanning

Mr Adams and four Year 11 students, Sam Waters, Shanaya Blatchford, Charlotte Telini-Mazza and Paige Kirk travelled to Katanning yesterday to compete in the AWI Ag College Challenge at the Rabobank WA Sheep Expo and Ram Sale.  These students were assigned to Rangeview and Dongiemon sheep studs where they were instructed in Merino ram selection and then are required to judge various rams for points.


The overall experience is valuable  and resulted in students placing 4th in the Challenge.  Congratulations.


Mr Howell, Mr Dyson and Farm staff.