Dear Parents / Carers, Families and College Community

Well we are half way through the term! It’s been a busy term with a plethora of events and activities happening to support the student’s educational and residential programs. As Principal, people often assume you know everything about anything that is happening in the College in intimate details – that is not always the case. I am always excited each week to read about the students and what they have been involved in across the College.


Curriculum and Extra Curricula Activities

At the beginning of the week it was great to see members of the Harvey Rotary Club and businesses come to the College to undertake mock job interviews with the Year 12 General students as part of their English course. The feedback from both the students and the volunteers was very positive, this is a great way to develop interview skills and networks. Thank you to the Harvey Rotary Club and business people for volunteering their time and supporting this opportunity for the students. 


The next two weeks are providing great opportunities for students: 

  • Year 11 students will be heading off to Muresk / Dowerin to look at post school options and career opportunities. 
  • Week 7 then sees the Country Week team head off to Perth to compete in a variety of different sports. I will be attending Country Week to coach the Hockey team. 

These are all great opportunities and our ability to undertake and participate is a great indicator that things are returning to normal as we simply manage the risk of the COVID environment. 


Year 10 students were scheduled to attend the Skills West Expo on Friday 26th Augustas a College excursion. The purpose of the excursion was to expose students to a variety of career opportunities and to identify possible further training and employment connections. Unfortunately, due to a variety circumstances including other events being provided for students, the shift of Country Week to Week 7 and the availability of staff to attend, this opportunity is not able to proceed as a College based excursion. 


I have included the link to the Expo website ( for your reference. I would encourage any students and parents/guardians to refer to the website and if possible attend the Expo. 


Year 12 Students

The Year 12 students are in the home straight of the year. It is crucial that all Year 12’s remain focussed and maintain their attendance rate as high as possible. I am hearing rumours that some students are planning to attend the Dowerin Field Day and not attend school. 


The current Year 12 cohort had the opportunity to attend last year as a Year 11 on the Muresk/Dowerin trip organised by the College. Students who are absent from school to attend the Dowerin Field Day will have their absence recorded as unauthorised and any implications, including the application of the assessment policy for any missed assessments.


The Year 12 students are encouraged to look positively upon the time remaining, continue to follow and comply with processes and procedures of the College to assist in making their remaining time a positive experience. How a student ends up leaving the College, is how they will be remembered! The College is looking forward to the positive and exciting memories for all the Year 12 students as they end this stage of their schooling and transition into the next of their life.


School Photos

Our annual school photo day was last Monday. This provided another opportunity to obtain a photographic record of students and staff to add to the history of the College. These are always a great source of information and memorabilia as we look back over the years and reminisce who has been at the College and become part of the Harvey Ag family. 


COVID Update

As in previous weeks, there are no changes to the settings or practices since last week. Remember we all have a personal responsibility to do our part and I remind our College community of the following:

  • Students and staff are strongly encouraged to continue to wear masks, particularly indoors.
  • To regularly wash and sanitise their hands and maintain high standards of personal hygiene.
  • Students and staff are still required to wear masks when travelling in College vehicles. Students who use school bus services or public transport are also still required to wear masks.

Enjoy the read of the Weekly Wrap.


Stay safe, look after each other and have a great weekend!