From the Executive

Term 3 is always a slog, the weather is usually wet and cold and there are no public holidays to break the routine of classes, SACs, homework or corrections. It is a term that can seem to drag; however, I think we are all surprised how quickly this term has gone.


Our building program has now moved to the second stage, and I think all are impressed with what has been achieved so far. The staff room, which was moved, is complete and is a modern space for our staff to congregate, meet and plan.


The bridge link which will join the main building with Oblate Hall is two weeks away from completion and this will give senior students easy access to science labs and resources that they may require in the main building.


The cafeteria and canteen are open, and I know that the Year 12s appreciate their own space. (It has been a long time coming!) There are still some minor alterations to be made in the canteen and when they are complete, and Monash Council gives its tick of approval, we can extend the menu that is offered and attempt to become more sustainable in how our products are sold. The efforts of Merry De La Zilwa, Mary Hernandez, Dominque Maclou, Christine Morgan and Simone Dutton have been sensational, and they have got the canteen humming. It is also great to see some parent volunteers assisting again, that certainly enriches our Mazenod Community.

The second stage of our building program is transforming the space that was the old staffroom into a larger and more modern Learning Diversity Centre. The needs of our students are forever growing, and they deserve the best that we can give them. The Health Centre has had a temporary move and is now situated in the Fr Kevin Davine club rooms. The move took place in the morning and our students were never without the assistance of our dedicated nurses. 


It would be remiss of me not to mention the work of Marc Johnson and his maintenance and grounds team. They have moved staff, furniture, cabinetry, canteen supplies and hospital beds. They have decanted rooms, built furniture packs, stored equipment in spaces that I had no idea existed, and have done so while keeping the buildings well maintained and our grounds and gardens looking immaculate. They never complain and nothing is ever too hard. We are certainly lucky to have such a dedicated team.


Enjoy the term break, the weather is definitely getting better, and let’s face it, the best thing about the September holidays are the AFL finals. (Hopefully, your team is still in contention!)   Have a great Term 4, and remember, if there is anything that we at the College can do for you or your son please just ask.


Go Pies!





Mr Tony Rolfe

Deputy Principal - Operations