Principal's Post
Change for Change Day
The Change for Change Day Assembly was held last Friday. Thank you to all of the Senior Student Leaders who organised the event, and who chose TOP BLOKES as the Foundation to support for Change for Change Day. Often, the messages boys receive from society about what it means to be manly are at odds with their own views. The more boys hear, or are aware of, negative social messages about what it means to be manly, the more they tend to internalise these messages, and this may have a negative impact on their social and emotional wellbeing.
The truth about your son is that he has relational capabilities that include the capacity for thoughtful self-reflection, empathy, and compassion. It has been my experience that students at Mazenod crave personal relationships characterised by trust, understanding, and care. Mazenod is full of young people who are self-aware, considerate of others, and responsive in their relationships. Yet, beyond the walls of Mazenod, we are likely to view these boys as exceptions rather than representative of boys as a group. As a society, we tend to overlook boys’ relational capabilities and underestimate their vulnerability.
My hope is that your son graduates from Mazenod as a young person who is curious, creative, compassionate and dares to make a difference.
Safeguarding Sunday
Last weekend, the Catholic Church in Australia marked Safeguarding Sunday, on which we pray for those who have been abused, their families and supporters. We recognise and apologise for the harm done by priests, religious and lay people in Church settings. Rebuilding trust and confidence in the Church requires constant work and vigilance. We recommit to cultural change that will help the Church be a place where people feel safe and supported. May we work together to ensure all people feel safe and supported.
Enrolment News
During the week we finished interviews for the 2024 cohort of students and welcomed the Year 7 2023 students and families. Invariably, during the interviews, families are asked why they have chosen Mazenod for their son’s education. A consistent response is they know a current student or a former student who recommends the College to them. They also recognise the character and qualities of the young people who have been educated at the school. They recognise the dignity, respect and success of that past student and would like their son to have similar attributes. It is a very affirming exercise for the staff who are involved with the interviewing process, and I would like to thank the students, both current and former, for being people of integrity, which results in so many families making the College the first choice for their son.
We are also finalising numbers for all year levels for 2023 so please get the re-enrolment forms back as soon as possible. The deadline for the forms has now passed. Please forward these forms to the Finance Team as soon as possible.
ACCent on Music Concert
Thank you to those that were able to attend and help support last Tuesday night’s ACCent on Music concert at Hamer Hall. It was a superb event and a wonderful example of the collaborative and collegial approach that our 13 schools have with the ACC Music Program. Thank you to the Directors of Music and all music staff for their incredible work, as well as the wonderful music performed by students working collaboratively with those from our other member schools.
VCE Trial Exams
Senior Students will still be sitting Practice Exams during the term break and preparing for final assessments and exams. Good luck to all involved and hopefully there will be a chance to relax and enjoy some downtime as well.
Performing Arts Festival
The Performing Arts Festival was held on Wednesday. Students and staff had prepared an array of wonderful performances. The Student Leaders were heavily involved and were very enthusiastic and encouraging of all creative artists, magicians, singers and actors to give it a go. It is wonderful to see that the Performing and Visual Arts has such a place of prominence in our school community.
Term 3
Term 3 concludes today, and Term 4 begins on Monday 3rd October . It has been a busy time for staff and students as the full calendar of events has returned. Co-curricular activities are important for development and growth, especially during adolescence, and are associated with lower rates of anti-social and risky behaviour, lower rates of academic failure and lower dropout rates. Congratulations to all staff and students for participation in the broad range of co-curricular activities.
Thank You
Thank you for everything you have done this term to keep Mazenod open and safe, and to provide your son with opportunities to participate in a full range of activities they have missed over the past two years. I hope you have a well-deserved holiday break with your family and friends.
All the best,
Dr Paul Shannon