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Living Waters students with the art works created during our NAIDOC Week activities. Our Year 6s added the final touches along with Ann from King's Narrative.

In the last few weeks the Year 1’s have been looking at ‘what makes a good friend.' We talked about the things we want to see in a good friend. Then we discussed how we can be a good friend to others. The students then made flowers with a word on each petal around being a good friend. It was great see everyone coming up with their ideas. 

Here are some photos of the students during Week 6 Book Week. During Book Week we read the story ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ the second  edition. In the story the young boy, Duncan uses all the colours of the rainbow to draw a picture. The Year 1 students were then given the task of using all different colours to create a picture. Here are some examples of their drawings. They all did an amazing job. 

The Village authors.

Cricket Australia visited Living Waters this week to do cricket sessions with our students. Pictured is the Year 6 class. 

Today Cody helped Mrs Bevan with the spiny leaf insects which live in the Library. He helped to remove the old gum leaves and put some fresh ones in, even having a little hold of the spiny leaf insects. Great work Cody!