What's happening at PPPS

Anti-Litter Duty Award

Since the introduction of the Anti-litter Duty Awards we have noticed a decrease in the amount of litter around the school. Thank you to all the students who dispose of their rubbish correctly. 


Below is a list of all the students who have won the anti-litter awards this term.

Congratulations to them all and thank you for your effort.  For Term 3, all winners will receive a zooper dooper voucher from the canteen.


Jayden P-12

Aya 1-15

Jordan 2-20

Sofia 3-26

Maxim 3-25

Peter P-12

Neeva 6-6

Kim 4-24

Jana 3-26

Seth 4-24

Ryan 1-21

Shehara P-11


Library Book Donation

Thank you to Kiara T (2-17), Maya R (3-26) and Aya & Tala M (1-15) for your generous book donation to our Library. If you have any books new or old in good condition, the Library would be most grateful for your donations. 


Have your details changed?

A brief reminder to ensure you update the information the school has for your child. If you have recently moved houses, changed jobs or want to change your emergency contact details, please ensure you let the office know so we have the most up to date information on file.


Big Night Out

The Plenty Parklands Primary School Choir will be performing at The Big Night Out. The event is being held at Lalor North Secondary College on Wednesday 12 October and all choir families, whose children arent on the year 4 camp, are invited to attend. More information can be found in the flyer below.

Canteen Orders

The Canteen would like to apologise to families for instances where certain items are unavailable. The canteen is doing their best to work with suppliers to minimise disruption to student orders.


JSC Footy Day Fundraiser

On Wednesday 14 September children will have the opportunity to come to school dressed in their favourite footy (AFL/Soccer, or other sport if desired) colours and bring a gold coin donation.  


Students may also wish to purchase a special lunch from the canteen. All orders must be placed before Thursday 8 September. Due to supplier issues, the canteen CANNOT accept any orders received after Thursday. A copy of the order form is attached below or you can collect a printed copy from the office. Please remember to include an additional 30c with your order if you would like sauce. 


All money raised from the JSC Footy Fundraiser will go towards installing a new piece of playground equipment.