A note from Mr Jackson

Concert Tickets Available

Tickets for our Rosanna Primary School ‘Once Upon a Time’ Concert are selling quickly. I encourage all families to make a purchase. Ticket sales close on Friday 2 September. We simply don’t want anyone to miss out on what we hope to be another highlight for 2022!


Bike Shed Opening Friday

The Junior School Council are very excited about formally opening the Bike Shed at Friday’s assembly. It will be an important focus at the assembly and celebrate the significant contributions from our students and parents in supporting this project.  Dig further into the newsletter to find out more.


Working Bee Invitation

With all the weather we have experienced in the last few days, we are eager to gather for a Working Bee on Saturday 27 August between 9:00am and 12 noon. We are eager to prune, weed and generally ‘spruce up’ our space. Come with some sturdy shoes for an hour or the whole time. Your effort in keeping our school clean and tidy is greatly appreciated.


Trivia Night a Huge Success 

A special thanks to all those who prepared and delivered an evening of laughter and trivia on Saturday night at the FORPS Trivia Night. Hosted by Kath and Kim, the evening raised money for the purchase of some goals on the oval! Our thanks to all who attended and gave generously throughout the evening. A special thanks to our wide range of sponsors who contributed a range of goods and experiences for the silent auction! Please take a moment to see who they were in the attachment.


The Great Book Swap Coming Up in the Last Week of Term 

Students will be invited to join in the Great Book Swap in the last week of term! Supporting the Indigenous Literacy Foundation, this event will invite students to bring in a book or several to swap with another for a simple gold coin. Start going through your libraries and select some books that you wish to swap!


An Invitation to Participate in the 2022 Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey

Each year the school conducts an opinion survey with the school community. While previously a random sample of approximately 30 per cent of parents/caregivers/guardians have been selected to participate, this year, all families are invited to participate in the survey. Results will be used to inform and direct our future school planning and improvement.


Please follow the instructions below to complete the survey. NOTE: Only one parent/caregiver/guardian from your family is invited to complete the survey.


To complete the survey, simply:

  1. Click on the link below, or copy and paste the text into your browser. This link will take you directly to the survey. https://www.orima.com.au/parent
  2. Select the School and Campus name: School Name: Rosanna Primary School Campus Name: Rosanna Primary School
  3. Enter the School PIN: 257655
  4. When complete, please click on the tick button at the end of the survey to submit your answers. Please note that the survey will time out after 60 minutes of inactivity.

Thank you for taking the time to participate. Your contribution is greatly valued.