Facilities News 

Dr Denise Clarke              Frances Hansen

Capital Works Manager     Facilities Manager

Capital Works Report

Yaluk Building

The process has just reached another milestone. The successful tenderer has been notified verbally and should have written confirmation this week. Architects are revising some of the drawings to accommodate cost-saving changes to the original drawings. 


All being well, the successful tenderers should start setting up the building site during the school holidays.


Inclusive School Fund - Sensory Room 

We have been advised that the contract will be awarded around mid-September. Once that has occurred then there should be progress on demolishing Bloomfield Hall and starting the building.

Facilities Managers Report

The school is currently working with the VSBA on Priority 1 & 2 items, identified in the Rolling Facilities Audit conducted in May 2020. The tender process will soon begin on re-stumping and repairing floors in the Primary wing, resealing the windows near the staff toilets  and installing overflow in 3 of the senior portable box gutters. 


The school is currently working to obtain quotes for replacing fencing around the perimeter of the school to enable the bus loop to be used as a bike track during the day. 


The landscaping works at the front of the school are scheduled to begin in the Term 3 holidays. Native grasses will be planted, lizard habitats created and the clearing of undergrowth to encourage more trees and ground-dwelling native birds to make their home at the school.