School Captain's Farewell

Year 12, what a year it has been for all of us. Now we are to move onto the next chapter in our lives and we look back on all we have done through school. But that begs the question, what do adults do when they aren’t at school? I’m pretty sure none of us are 100% certain on what we are doing, what we're going to do and how our lives are going to be. On behalf of all of the year 12 students, even the ones who had left, we thank JBHS for putting up with our nonsense and allowing us to flourish and become the people that we are today, Not one of us would be the way we are if we hadn't had the support from teachers and staff and the rest of the students who continued to surprise us everyday. We will miss being at school but most of all we will miss each other.
Bethany Sykes
School Co-Captain 2022