Year 12

Introducing your Assistant Year Adviser, Mr Swindells
This year you have all shown the school what a beautiful and mature year group you truly are. You have shown me excellent community spirit by our Year 12 elected Captains, Vice Captains and Prefects but each and every Year 12 student is a leader of all students of JBHS. Thank you for the help with my constant nagging for mufti day, cupcake day or BBQ help. We all now know how to keep sausages warm and make a happy school for everyone.
As we look towards the formal we think back on all the good times we have had together and how we pulled ourselves back together during all our hard times. For that I am most grateful for.
For each of you, your last day of HSC exams will be one of celebration, commemoration and emotion. There is no doubt that this very last day exiting our school and the time you have spent at school will be something you will remember fondly for the rest of your life going forward.
James Busby High School will not be the same without you- we all wish you had many more years to spend with us.I hope your new life after school is a fun and rewarding adventure. Farewell, and thank you for being such a great year group!
Mrs Gorham and Mr Swindells