Spotlight on a Staff Member - Alumni

By Shelly De Gabriel and Nassem Nabil - Year 9

In this edition we feature former student and current staff member, Mr Nadir Khan, a member of our English/LOTE faculty and Year 11 Assistant Adviser.

What year did you graduate from James Busby high school? 



What was your favourite subject? 

English, but in Years 11 and 12, Religion.


What was your favourite year of highschool? 

Year 12 because I was a prefect at the time. 


How has the school changed? 

The school has a lot nicer things now, like smart boards, air conditioning, library improvements and other facilities are a lot better than when I was a student. 


What made you want to come back? 

I was inspired by Mr Costa because he taught religious studies and the difference he made on me as a student, because of his care for my academic achievements and wellbeing. I just wanted to pay that back to the school community.


If there was anything you could change about this school, what would it be? 

I would change the school spirit, because I feel like the students don’t feel as much pride to be here as they should. I do feel like there is good school spirit deep down, but a lot of people don’t embrace it and come together as a school community, even though they come together as a school community daily, but they aren’t proud of it. 


What's a memorable moment you had at school? 

Mine was prefect camp which was one of those things, like I was talking about before, it took me until Year 12 to be fully comfortable in the school. I felt seen and valued by the school because I was chosen as a prefect. I felt a lot of pride in my school and that everything was right there and I could be the change I wanted to see in the school. 


Do you wish you were anywhere else? 

Nah, this is my dream job. This is what I always wanted to do, particularly in this school. 


Are there any teachers that are still here that taught you? 

Yes, Miss Welfare, Ms Khuder, Mr Foster, Mr Gendy for sure, Ms Bartollilo was here but she didn’t teach me, Mr Costa, Ms Prins, Ms Sandilands, Ms Wolfe, Ms Shukla, Mr Dinh, Ms Hindi, Ms Ranjit, Yeah there's heaps. 


What other teachers that work with you used to be students with you? Ms Diep, Ms Mamissa was in Year 7 when I was in Year 12, Ms Nassif, Ms Fioramonte. That's all I can think of. 


We would like to thank Mr Khan for the time he spent in the interview, and the time he spends being our English teacher.

By Shelly and Nassem 

Year 9

Year 12
Year 7
Year 12
Year 7