Spotlight on a 


In this edition, Year 9 students Shelly De Gabriel, Nassem Nabil and 

Jeremy Vilches interview our talented artists 

Jaylyn and Jazzlyn of Year 10.

In this edition of our Newsletter, we sat down with our talented artists Jaylyn and Jazzlyn of Year 10, who have been showcasing their amazing art at our school. You may remember us featuring these talented sisters in our previous newsletters in our series of articles titled The Manga Project. This project began in late 2020, when Jaylyn and Jazzlyn were asked to produce a piece of art for the Library. 

The idea started when it was clear that these students were bursting with a talent for Manga art. Our Library staff were working on creating a new Manga section in the Library and asked the sisters if they would like to contribute their art. (The sisters were always entering the Library art competitions and taking out first prize!)

The above photo shows their completed work, with each student producing two amazing pieces!

Since then, Jaylyn's art has been selected to be part of the Nagoya Sister City Art Exchange 2022. This is thanks to her amazing teachers, Ms Devi, Deputy Principal Ms Mafi, Ms Cattanach and our wonderful Art Faculty. This is an amazing achievement for Jaylyn.

We were so eager to interview the artists and find out how they started drawing Manga:


How did you get into Anime? (Jaylyn) Anime was introduced to me by my brothers. 


Do you have any inspirations? (Jaylyn) Music inspires me.


When did you start drawing? (Jazzlyn) When I was three.


Would you rather draw separately or together (both) Together.


Do you consider yourselves good artists? (both) No. (Jaylyn) I could improve more.


Do you ever challenge each other? (Jaylyn) Jazzlyn draws the anatomies of the characters better; the body.


Do you have arguments when you draw? (Both) Yes. (Jazzlyn) Like criticising the size of the head or the colours. 


What is your favourite part of drawing? (Jaylyn) My favourite part is the shading. (Jazzlyn) Drawing the face.


Do you see yourself doing art in the future, like at university? (Jaylyn) Yes. A little bit, yeah. (Jazzlyn) For me it's if I don’t do what I want, I do art.


Would you take the credit for someone else's drawing? (both) … Yes. (Jazzlyn) I do give Jaylyn credit if she draws something on my paper.


Do you prefer drawing or painting? (both) drawing.


Do you get self conscious when you draw? (Jaylyn) If, for example, the eyeball is too big or too small. Yeah.


Have you ever considered digital art? (Jaylyn) Yes I do digital art.


What do you like to draw the most? (Jazzlyn) People.


Do you do any art that isn’t drawing or painting? (Jazzlyn) Yes, I like to make things out of cardboard. Yeah, or paper. (Jaylyn).


We could talk for hours to the artists, it was so clear that they are very humble about their talent. We can't wait to see what they produce next!


By Shelly, Nassem and Jeremy.

Year 9

Shelly, Nassem and Jeremy asking their questions
Jaylyn with her amazing art
Jazzlyn with her amazing art
These art works are displayed proudly in our Manga section in the Library
Shelly, Nassem and Jeremy asking their questions
Jaylyn with her amazing art
Jazzlyn with her amazing art
These art works are displayed proudly in our Manga section in the Library