Book Week

Dreaming with eyes open
This year, the theme for Book Week was Dreaming with eyes open. At JBHS we celebrated Book Week in a variety of ways. We held a variety of fun competitions for our students and in the expected JBHS way, we had so much fun!
Congratulations to our Golden Ticket winners!
It's always a mad dash in the Library at recess when we hide 5 Golden Tickets, so we decided that this year, we'd hide an additional 20 tickets and invite some classes to come along for some fun. We love seeing the excited faces of our students when they spend their breaks in the Library, and Book Week is by far our favourite time!
Check out our lucky recess winners:
Our dress-up winners!
Bookface winners! So creative!
Why we love books
We also challenged our students to explain, 'what they love about books and why we need books'. We offered 10 $10 canteen vouchers to the best 10 responses. We were so overwhelmed with so many outstanding responses that we had no choice but to award 20 canteen vouchers. The winning entries came from students from Years 7 - 11. It is clear to us that at JBHS, we do love books and we do need books!
The following are excerpts from their responses:
Provide Knowledge
Excel Academically
Extend our knowledge
Books are essential
Books serve as a portal to another world
Books help create ideas
Help with motivation
Books are vital fuel
Provoke our imagination
Getting an emotional hug from a loved one
Understand the past
Internet is too addictive
Sense of comfort
Provides information
Express themselves freely
Work at my own pace
Expressing emotions through stories
Helps my mind
Help me in spelling
Learning about History
Need books for our education
They give me a chill down my spine
They are reliable
Give us a break from technology
Further my vocabulary
Books are gifts to be treasured
Readers of the Month
Our July and August Readers of the Month are Gavin and Tharan! They have each won a $10 canteen voucher and have a combined borrowing record of over 300 books for the months of July and August!
Stay posted to find out who our Sept, Oct, Nov and Dec Readers of the Month will be. We will also be offering a grand prize for Reader of the Year! Who will it be? We can't wait to see who the overall best borrower will be!
Our Alice in Wonderland display is a reminder that there is a lot of beauty, mystery, magic and dreaming in books. Thank you to all who celebrated Book Week with us and a huge thanks to Miss Fiona for her wonderful organisation and for providing our students with a week of fun and engaging activities in our Library.
Ms Abeer Khuder
Teacher Librarian