Student Support Officer Update

What a fabulous Term 3 we have had! Our students from both mainstream and our support unit have engaged in a range of workshops and programs which enhanced their overall health and wellbeing. We have been fortunate enough to work with a wide variety of organisations which have assisted our school in supporting our wonderful students. Special thank you to the following organisations:
- Fairfield Liverpool Youth Health Team (FLYHT)
- Wests Tigers Unite Harmony Program
- Western Sydney University – Street Law Clinic
- From The Roots – Pasifika Program
- Souths Cares (Liverpool Opportunity Hub)
Living Out Loud Health Promotion Program
LOL – Living Out Loud Program at James Busby High School is a health and wellbeing initiative which aims to equip Year 9 students with the knowledge needed to have respectful relationships, encourage, and develop their skills and their ability to critically think increasing their ability to solve problems and enhance their communication skills. This enhances the student’s overall health and wellbeing, increase their ability to make the best choices for themselves. This amazing series of workshops were co-facilitated with the Health Promotion Officer from Fairfield Liverpool Youth Health Team covering a range of topics including an introduction to the Youth Health Service, Mental Health, Healthy Relationships, Consent and the Law, Sexual Health, Drug and Alcohol Workshop and Nutrition and Sugars.
These students engaged in mature conversations whilst working collaboratively with their peers and participating in the fun learning activities. We are very fortunate to be working with our local Youth Health Service and look forward to offering this program again in Term 4.
#JBHS #lovewherewelearn #excellence #equality #respect #safety #ourfuture #nswhealth #healthpromotion #fairfieldliverpoolyouthhealthteam
Wests Tigers Unite Harmony Program
Wests Tigers Unite Harmony Program works towards encouraging Year 7 students to become the best version of themselves whilst working together to create healthy relationships and building stronger communities. Many highlights across the 6-week program included the importance of having a good support network, identity and belonging, building strong relationships, building solid communication skills, and setting goals. Out students loved engaging with Kenny from Wests Tigers and enjoyed the games incorporated in the program. Congratulations to Adam, Harmony, and Moana in receiving a variety of prizes including game tickets and shirts.
#JBHS #weststigersfoundation #respect #healthyrelationships #identity #belonging #goalsetting #lovewherewelearn #excellence #equality #respect #safety #ourfuture
Western Sydney Justice Clinic - Street Law
Our Year 12 mainstream and support students attended an amazing workshop delivered by Western Sydney University’s Justice Clinic - Street Law covering topics such as Employment Contracts and Afterpay. This was an excellent opportunity for students to learn of their rights as some may transition into full time work. Our senior students also engaged well as they learnt about Afterpay and the legalities around having an Afterpay account. This workshop provided the seniors with significant information as they transition into adulthood and become of legal age to initiate accounts. Whilst Afterpay can be good in some instances my advice to the students is “if you can’t afford to pay for it twice don’t buy it!”
Our Year 9 mainstream and support students also attended a workshop covering the topics of Consent and Police Powers. The students were given valuable legal information especially around sexting and highlighted the importance of consent being voluntary – ensuring the person has the capacity to make that decision. The Police Powers topic sparked some great discussion around what rights individuals have when out in public. More importantly our students learnt of the repercussion’s individuals can have should they video and distribute footage of school fights.
#JBHS #westernsydneyuniversity #justiceclinic #consent #policepowers #identity #belonging #lovewherewelearn #excellence #equality #respect #safety #ourfuture
From The Roots – Pasifika Girls Program
Our female Pasifika students had the opportunity to engage with the wonderful From the Roots facilitators. The students increased their learning - elevating their sense of self, highlighting student’s mindset and resilience, communication, and healthy relationships. It was wonderful to see all the girls communicating in unity in song. Additionally, each of the students completed the Fonofale Model activity promoting a holistic view of health which symbolises the wholeness of a Pasifika person.
#JBHS #frmtheroots #pasifikagirls #frm.theroots #lovewherewelearn #excellence #equality #respect #safety #ourfuture
Another wonderful opportunity for our Year 12 students attended TAFE information session. Our Senior Students were able to engage with TAFE staff exploring their options for tertiary education as they continue their journey into adulthood. Lots of great discussions with the facilitators allowing for some one-on-one advice.
#JBHS #tafensw #lovewherewelearn #excellence #equality #respect #safety #ourfuture
Souths Cares
Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students attended cultural workshops facilitated by Souths Cares. This exciting program was an opportunity for our students to deepen their knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islands history in recognition of the world’s oldest culture. We look forward to continuing to work with the facilitators of Souths Cares in Term 4.
#JBHS #southscares #culture #lovewherewelearn #excellence #equality #respect #safety #ourfuture
Ms Julie Moon
Student Support Officer