Wellbeing Update

Wellbeing Team
It has been a busy term and we are thankful to hold many events that could not have occurred in the past 2 years due to the pandemic.
RU Okay day is a national initiative that takes place on September 8th. It is to encourage everyone to ask people close to them, “RUOK?”, listen to the answer and use it as a conversation starter to encourage anyone who is struggling to reach out. At James Busby High School our Wellbeing Ambassadors coordinated a number of fun activities, including lolly guessing competitions, basketball, push up and honeycomb challenges with prizes to encourage the school community to come together and enjoy the week. Enjoying time together encourages positive vibes and promotes everyone’s wellbeing.
Student Recognition Morning Teas were held this term for years 8, 9 and 10. Congratulations to the students who were nominated by their year advisors this term. Students are chosen because they uphold our school values: Respect, Equality, Achievement and Safety on a daily basis. Student recognition morning teas take place every term to celebrate our wonderful students who take every opportunity to thrive in our school community.
Congratulations to these students:
Year 8
Lubna Samra
Owen Payne
Nikau Jones Boyd
Leron Faalago
Kew Amkhamavong
Ara Khan
Eric Lee
Noah Rustom
Amelia Forster
Adam Masri
May Fuimano
Ahmed Zreika
Arasi Tautalafua
Degan Silva
Thomas Mala
Brandon Smith
Year 9
Avni Prasad
Phu An Nguyen
London Lalaga
Aden Tran
Dominic Magliarachi
Houston Chanton
Shelly De Gabriel
Samuel Hudson
Kevin Lam
Moriah Manumaleuga
Nour Nabil
Hayden Nguyen
Deryk Tuong
Lucia Martinez-Punzo
Nassem Nabil
Savanna Grobbelaar
Yazmeen Charafeddine
Freddy Misigaro
Year 10
Seren Vo
Charity Mauga
George Gerges
Jazzlyn Munoz
Jaylyn Munoz
Briyana Price
Brian Sayaloune
Panos Poretsanos
Leo Chau
Hussain Hamdan
Wendy Tran
Rohan Prasad
Jeffery Phommahaxay
Leila Assaad
Liam Barnes
Yousif Khachik
Recognition morning teas for Years 7 and 11 will take place early in Term 4. We look forward to recognising many more of our wonderful students
Please look after your wellbeing these holidays and return refreshed to commence Term 4.
Phyllis Prins & Amy Sandilands
Head Teachers – Wellbeing