STRIVE – Pathways Planning and Looking Ahead

For many of our young people, motivation to come to school comes from a drive for their future.  Particularly as they enter Years 9 and 10, students begin to question, ‘what do I want to be?’, ‘what do I want to do in the future?’.  Sometimes there are answers…sometimes there are none yet.  And that is OK.


Term 3 is an important time for our young people to be supported to engage in discussions about their futures and to select subjects for 2023 that will support them to either continue to explore a range of options for their future, or put them on a clear pathway towards an already established career goal.


The Pathways Expo on July 14 was a hit – we had well over 200 visitors on the evening across a range of year levels.  Our staff loved meeting with parents and students and sharing their passion for the subjects that they teach.  Course Counselling has now also been completed for Years 9 to 11 students, supporting them to select a learning program for 2023.  These programs will be confirmed in Term 4. 


Thank you to all of the parents that have attended course counselling with your young people; it makes such a difference to all work in partnership towards a common goal for our students.


Please remind students that at any time, they can attend the Careers Office and see Holly to get careers advice. 

Does your child want to undertake an external VET in 2023?

Please keep a close eye on emails from our staff that detail what needs to be done to apply for a VET subject external to the schools (such as at Gordon TAFE, Oxygen College etc). a growing population in the Geelong area means that VET places are becoming harder to access.  


Applications open August 2nd.  Information on what is required to apply will have been sent to students and their families by course counselling staff.  It is the responsibility of the student to apply.   Courses do fill up fast.   Please support your child to apply. 


Some workshops will also be run at the College to support students to get this process completed in a timely manner.   If you have any questions, please contact Holly Ryder at

Congratulations to our Academic Award Winners for Semester One!

Congratulations for the following students who were awards for Semester One. Academic Awards were awarded to students that demonstrated consistent high achievement in their learning. Learning Behaviours awards were awarded to students that consistently demonstrate effort, respect and value of their learning during classes.

RAT Kit Collection 

Each student is eligible for three RAT test kits for Term 3 (15 RAT tests in total). Parents can attend the Administration Office at a time that suits to collect your RAT kits, or please send your child after school to collect their allocation for the Term. 


We have an abundance of RAT kits at the College and we would really appreciate it if we could regain some much needed storage space back by ensuring that our community collects their RAT kits. 


It is important to also be aware that if a person has previously tested positive to COVID 19, that it is now recommended that they re-engage in testing after 4 weeks if they show symptoms or are exposed to the virus (this was previously 12 weeks). 


Hope you have wonderful weekend!


Erin Wright

College Principal