Inside the Classroom


Primary classes have welcomed parents and friends recently for Education Week. The families joined in class activities and shared morning tea with their children. We have started to welcome children who are transitioning for Kindergarten next year. 

Class 10 have been learning about water and where they can find it at school. The enjoyed a walk around the school investigating.

Class 12 have been busy in Mathematics learning lots of new things.

Kari Priest

Primary leader

Stage 4 

Stage 4 enjoyed having special visitors in their classes to celebrate education week and recognise their  learning and achievements. We all enjoyed engaging in a fun PE lesson on the basketball court then shared a 'cuppa', some nibbles prepared by the students and a chat. Class 16 put on a demonstration of their warm-up and move-it activities and sang their German greeting song. 


Class 15 played games focussed on cooperation and listening skills.

Class 14 took their visitors on a tour of the classroom and showed them how to zoom around the playground on the Ezyrollers. We really appreciated everyone that could come along, and understood than many could not attend due to other commitments. We hope you enjoy the attached photos and look forward to seeing you again next time.

Cassie Lloyd

Stage 4 leader

Stage 5

Last week Stage 5 Masterchef students harvested their bumper crop of broccolini which they grew from seedlings earlier on this year. They used it in Shepherds pie and as a side with bangers and mash. 


Class 9 have been studying poetry this term and have surprised themselves with their talents. We are so proud that we wanted to share Zane's Limerick and Harrison's Haiku.


The Roo with the Didgeridoo

There once was a kanga that played the didgeridoo

he’s got a friend called Bailey

that visits him daily

that plays the kazoo

By Zane



So green after rain

A delicious meal for sheep

Soft under my feet

By Harrison


To celebrate Education Week classes 6 and 9 treated their families to morning tea. The Barista Boys from class 9 made cappuccinos and hot chocolate to serve with delicious scones that class 6 whipped up. Students then showed off their fantastic work in the classrooms.  


Elke Cunial

Stage 5 Leader

Stage 6

Work Studies

Students in work studies recently completed mock interviews to practice using effective communication skills, and answer questions they might face in an interview. Ms Cox was very impressed by student's presentation and how they spoke proudly about their abilities, strengths and interests.

Creative Arts

Classes 2 & 3 have been experimenting with different tie-dye techniques. They have used tie-dye on handkerchiefs, library bags, socks and singlets. Well done on your wonderful creations.

Mel Said

R/ Stage 6 Leader



Class 17 has been researching places and people of significance in Orange, including Banjo Paterson and  Emmaville Cottage. They have studied the changes that have happened in Orange due to urbanisation with a particular interest in the changes to health care and hospital buildings in Orange.


Class 18 has started a Science unit on the Living World and has studied the conditions needed for seeds to germinate. Many seeds have been germinated in a mini-greenhouse and will be planted in the garden beds when the weather warms up. We are looking forward to making a great salad out of our harvest next term.

Class 19 has welcomed a new student, Bethany, who has settled in very well. The girls are learning about infectious and non-infectious diseases in Science and are enjoying working together and supporting each other in their learning. They particularly enjoyed pottery with Mr. Windsor this week.


Class 21 has welcomed 3 new students, Liam, Chase, and Jack, who have made a great start at Anson Street School. They are enjoying reading the book ‘Are We There Yet?’ and are closely following the family travel around Australia. Students have also designed their own camper trailers for a trip around Australia.


The Campus to Community program is continuing to provide the boys with great opportunities to learn about their community. Some highlights have been visits to local businesses, with the Orange Fire Station being the favourite. The boys were fortunate enough to see the incredible work that the Orange Fire and Rescue team does and to closely inspect some of the equipment.


Campus students have also enjoyed Functional Fitness for sport, working together to improve their fitness and learn new skills.

Kate Griffen

Head Teacher Campus