Mission News

Mr Luke McMahon


  • We pray for all those in our community who are unwell or suffering at this time.
  • We pray for the repose of the soul of Michael Hefford (Father of Jimmie Year 12G)
  • We pray for the repose of the soul of Edward Taunton (Staff member Alicia Frances’s father)
  • We pray for staff member Yorker Williams who is unwell.       
May our loving God, with Mary and Champagnat, walk with all members of the Marist family. Amen

Feast of St Mary of the Cross (MacKillop) 

Yesterday we joined with the Catholic Church in celebrating the feast of St Mary of the Cross – Mary MacKillop. 


Mary MacKillop is Australia’s first and only Saint of the Church. She was born on 15 January 1842 in Fitzroy, Melbourne as the eldest of 8 children to Scottish immigrants and she died on 8 August 1909.


St Mary of the Cross, as she is known, is the Patron of Australia she was Beatified on 19 January 1995 by Pope John Paul II and Canonised on 17 October 2010 by Pope Benedict XVI. St Mary of the Cross established an order of Nuns known as The Sisters of St Joseph to minister to the poor and vulnerable of her time. The Josephite Sisters, as they are known, under the care of St Mary were instrumental in spreading the Catholic faith and the importance of Catholic Education to much of Australia. 


The image below is one from our own Chapel, painted by Brisbane-born artist Jan Williamson. It depicts the nuns visiting in pairs, as was the way, a family. It is clear from the image that the family is impoverished, the Earthen floor, the minimal furniture, the patched clothing and the nuns bringing food and supplies to them. St Mary and the Josephite sisters worked in schools, orphanages, with neglected children, the aged poor, in prisons and with the incurably ill. Mary MacKillop worked lived and ministered with these words as her standard: “Never see a need without doing something about it.”

St Mary of the Cross      Pray for us.

St Vincent de Paul Winter Twilight Retreat

On Friday 5 August, 24 senior school students participated in a St Vincent de Paul Winter Twilight Retreat raising awareness and funds to support the Society’s work. 


We welcomed to the College Veronica and Melissa from the St Vincent de Paul Society who took the time to speak with the students and engage them with practical activities about issues particularly relating to homelessness. We are grateful for the time and talent they gave. 


The students learnt a great deal about the issues facing the often marginalised of our society. 

Game Changers Report – Adam Burns

At the end of Term 2, our Game Changers group conducted a collection of instant noodle cups to donate to Rosies. The project arose at the student’s initiative, and each group undertook the planning, advertising and collection of the cups. The final count was 250 noodle cups, which will provide warmth, connection and support to the homeless and displaced this winter.

Wednesday Morning Mass Schedule for Term 3

Year 10 Retreat 

The Year 10 Retreat is scheduled for Week 7 of Term 3 on the College Calendar on Monday 22 August 2022. It is expected and understood that all Year 10 students will attend as part of the Year 10 Religious Education program. The Retreat will enable students to reflect on themes of Christian Leadership and Social Justice.

Religious Education Professional Development Breakfast 

Our thanks to Mr Stephen Locke who spoke at the Religious Education Professional Development Breakfast on Friday 5 August.  Stephen explored techniques for the teaching of Religious Education with the use of scripture. Thanks also to Karen Waring and the hospitality boys for the provision of the breakfast.