Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart School Community,
A Prayer for our Community
Good Samaritan Award Winners
Congratulations to the following students whose care, compassion and sense of other was acknowledged with a Good Samaritan Award at today's assembly:
Madelyn Year Prep, Raffaele Year One, Jacob Year Four, Roery Year Four, Alex Year Four and the whole Year Three/Four Class
Dancing Classes
Dancing classes with Angela will resume on Monday 5th September. Parents may remember from pre COVID times, Angela offers classes one night a week (this year on a Monday) straight after school from 3.30 till 4.30 in our school. Initially we are offering this seven week program to students from Year Two to Year Six (on the previous two occasions we had approximately twenty students involved). If we have spots available we will open up to younger classes. The lessons cost $5.00/week with the students involved performing at our school dinner dance. Angela will have letters with permission slips available next week for interested families. If you want your child to be enrolled in this program, please let me know and I will provide the relevant documentation from Angela to you next week.
Bunnings Visit
A big thank you to Bunnings Northland staff for visiting our school last Friday and working with our Year 3/4 students to make our school grounds even more inviting. These great people from Bunnings including the store manager had an enjoyable morning working with Marie and her students. Thank you so much Bunnings.
Donated by Bunnings:
wheelbarrow, bags of mulch, gloves, bags of soil, plants, statue, spades and forks, pruners and more
Dinner Dance
Our Parents and Friends committee discussed details about our upcoming dinner dance when we meet on Monday. We know the date (Friday 4th November 6.30pm) and venue (Preston Town Hall) and have decided that it will be of a basket supper nature with each family bringing their own food and drinks. The Parents and Friends group will supply dessert courtesy of one of our great parents Kanza (mum of Rahim in Year Five) who is donating some delicious cheese cakes. Information about ticketing will be provided in the coming weeks.
Whilst the dinner dance is predominately a great social occasion with families and their children enjoying a fun night together, it is also an opportunity to raise some funds for our school. This year again we would like to put together some hampers with goods donated by our families. Each class is responsible for organising a hamper and these will be presented in the weeks before the dance with parents having the opportunity to place a bid for their purchase. Detailed below are the hampers each class has been set to organise and items can start being sent to school as of tomorrow.
We are also looking for some raffle prizes on the night and silent auction items. If you have a business, know of someone who has a business or would like to purchase an item to donate your help will be greatly appreciated. For instance we already have a brand new toddler booster seat donated by Sunny and Gauri (parents of Veer in Year 3/4)
Yr Prep: Pampering, Year One: Cooking, Year Two: Children's Games/Toys, Year Three/Four Gardening, Year Four/Five: Art and Craft and Year Five/Six: Sport
Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS) are conducted annually for schools in the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne. This year’s MACSSIS will be open from Monday 29 August to Friday 16 September 2022.
MACSSIS is a set of tools for creating, collecting, analysing, interpreting and using data to inform Catholic school improvement. MACSSIS produces perception data thattells us about what different people in a school community think and feel about their learning environment.
The surveys gather data from:
- students in Years 4–12
- families
- teachers and non-teaching staff.
Survey questions cover several domains, which vary across the student, family and staff datasets.
As part of compliance with regulatory guidelines, schools are expected to engage with, and gather feedback from, their communities as part of their school improvement cycle. Schools are encouraged to view MACSSIS as a positive opportunity for gathering feedback and engaging communities in ongoing school improvement efforts.
More information will follow in next week's newsletter in how our families can participate in the MACSSIS survey.
2022 Premier's Reading Challenge
By all reports we have nearly 100 percent of our students participating in the Premiers Reading Challenge with students such as our Year Six student Ayisha taking every opportunity to get in a few valuable minutes of reading and pursuing their love of books.
Enrolments for 2023
Whilst enrolments for Year Prep 2023 unofficially closed at the end of last term, we still have positions for Year Prep in 2023. We will therefore continue to take applications. If you know of any families who would like a tour, please encourage them to contact the school by phone or email.
Please be aware that After School Care will be provided on our school closure day, Wednesday 31st August from 7.00am till 6.00pm. See our coordinator Jaime to book in.
This term
School Closure Day: Wednesday 31st August (Faith Development)
Football Day: Friday 2nd September
Father’s Day Function: Friday 2nd September 6.30pm
Confirmation: Friday 9th September
Next Term
Art Show: Wednesday 19th October
Italian Day: Wednesday 26th October
Dinner Dance: Friday 4th November 6.30pm
School Athletics Carnival: Friday 18th November (Parade College Preston)
Joke Corner from the Parish Bulletin
A teen wanted to earn herself some extra money over the summer. She decided to hire herself out as a “handy woman” and so started canvassing a nearby well-to-do neighbourhood. She went to the front door of the first house and asked the owner if he had any odd jobs for her to do. “Well I guess I could use somebody to paint the porch” he said “How much will you charge me?” Delighted, the girl quickly responded “How about $50?” The man agreed and told her that the paint, brushes and everything she would need were in the garage. The man’s wife on hearing the conversation said to her husband “Does she realise the porch goes ALL the way around the house?” “That’s a bit cynical isn’t it?” He responded. The wife replied, “You’re right. I guess I shouldn't underestimate today's youth” A few hours later the teen came to the door to collect her money. “You’re finished already?” The startled husband asked. “Yes” the teen replied “and I even had paint left over, so I gave it two coats” Impressed, the man reached into his pocket for the $50 and handed it to her along with a $10 tip. “Thanks” the teen said, “And, by the way, it’s not a Porch, it’s a Lexus”
Take care.
Yours Sincerely
Mark Tierney