The Specialist Hub

Performing Arts

Students in 4B have been working really hard on some projects for the 'Dream Big' youth music festival coming up on Thursday 8/9. 


One part of this has been students working with our artist-in-residence Steph from Unstrung Ukulele, to write a song around mental health.


The second part has been working on creating a music video for our Harmony Day song, 'Someone to You".


We can't wait to share it with the school community!

On Friday 19/8, the amazing people from Make a Scene came to perform 'Pinocchio' for the students in P-4. This awesome opportunity came through the First Call Fund, so was free of charge for the students. The looks on their faces while watching says it all!


Physical Education

The grade 4-6 students had the Athletics Day carnival at Keilor Park Athletics track with amazing participation from all students where they were able to display their skills in sprinting, discus, shot put, long and high jump. It was an amazing day full sportsmanship and camaraderie. 



Our Spanish program has explored scientific curiosity by using our newly acquired vocabulary to solve riddles about animals in Spanish with years 3 and 4. Preps, years 1 and 2 are learning anatomy through games and songs while years 5 and 6 students have learnt about Mayan culture, who were famous for their scientific knowledge!

But there is something else cooking in the Spanish Casa... In our Spanish Club we have been creating bracelets that will be used as samples for our FIESTA CUBANA! Yes, you read it right. We are finishing up all the preparations for this year's Spanish Fiesta. Get ready for some ritmo latino, delicious food, refreshing drinks, aweing performances, inspiring crafts and tons of fun on the 14th of September. What a way to say goodbye to this Term 3!

Visual Arts

During science week, the students explored common symbols in life and art. They made links between Aboriginal artworks and symbols, listened to Elders speak about art making and made their own maps using symbols that they had created.

The Preps have been busy thinking about movement this week and how artists create art with moving objects. As usual the Preps were introduced to these concepts through play based experiences and this week they welcomed back their beloved play dough as well as preparing some works for the artshow next term.