Xuno to Compass Change

Changing from Xuno to Compass


School leadership with the support of school council have made the decision to change our administration platform from Xuno to Compass. This decision was based on a number of factors including parent feedback, functionality and access to features which enhance our record keeping and student monitoring capabilities.


We have spent the last few months trialling features of Compass in house and are now at the point where we are excited about launching Compass for the broader school community. As of Monday the 5th of September (week 9) Compass will go live and all attendance will be marked through the new platform. A process of transition will continue where school events, student reports and parent teacher interviews will all eventually be introduced through Compass. Some existing event payments will be left open on Xuno during term 4 but new school activities will be paid for and given consent through Compass.


Parent login details and resources supporting parental use of the platform will be emailed out to families at the beginning of week 7 (Monday 22/8). We ask that families login into the Compass portal either through the web browser or the Compass School Manager App in preparation for the launch date on 5th of September.


The school is ready and willing to assist parents with this changeover and we are excited about this new development in the communications and management systems of our school.



Anthony Atkinson

Assistant Principal