Classroom News

On Thursday, the Prep students celebrated 100 Days at School! The students were unrecognizable as they each arrived looking 100 years old. They had a fantastic day participating in different activities surrounding the number 100 - fruit loop necklaces, making 'I'm 100 days smarter!' crowns and dancing, just to name a few.
Year 1
In Year 1 we have continued to learn more about Multiplication this week. We have been focusing on learning how to make and count groups of objects using concrete materials. In addition to using concrete materials we have also been able to test our Multiplication skills on the computers through the My Numeracy program. The Year 1's are also learning that there are so many different ways we can talk about Multiplication such as:
Lots of
Groups of
Multiplied by
Multiple of
Repeated addition
The Year 1 students have been working hard to learn how to groups objects together, say and make how many groups there are and say and make how many items are in each group. Below is a picture of the students amazing efforts with their multiplication work.
Year 2
In Mathematics, the Year 2 students are currently learning all about equal groups, repeated addition and arrays, as part of their multiplication unit. As the class were having a great discussion about arrays, one very clever Year Two student pointed to the glass windows in our classroom, stating that they were in fact set out as an array. This led the class on a fantastic expedition around the school to find more arrays. We found them everywhere we went!
Year 3/4
Excursion to the Arts Centre!
I had a good time today and my favorite part was making music with Jacob. We made really nice music together. Harper.
Today was a really exciting day because we got to make our own sound/ music/ beats. Later, we also made up our own raps at the Art center and we did a little activity on a worksheet. We saw items from famous Australian musicians / singers like ACDC and Missy Higgins. Isabella and Katelin.
Today was a really awesome day because we got to learn more about music in the past. We could also make our own beats and sounds. Allie.
It was a great excursion to the Art Center because we got to learn how to make songs with different beats. We also saw lots of important musical art pieces from artists like ACDC and Olivia Newton-John. Aleisha.
Today we went to the Art Center in the city. We had lots of fun there. We got to make our own music sounds. We saw things that belonged to famous singers like dressers they wore and their instruments that they played. We were really excited and looked forward to this day because we knew there would be lots of cool stuff to see. Adam and Gail.
Today was really fun at the Art Center because we got to look at different kinds of music. We also made different sound tracks. Jasmine.
I went to the Art Center. We learnt lots about music and music designs. Then we had our lunch. After lunch we saw clothes that Australian singers wore. Maxi.
I was really excited when I went to the workshop and we got to make music with the computer. I really enjoyed it and I felt curious because I learnt new things on the computer and I am wondering whether I would like to learn more about music. Roman.
The excursion was a lot of fun! We got to make music with a person who showed us how - he was very clever. The poster wall in the Art Center was very colorful. Yianna.
It was a really lovely excursion. It was a lot of fun. My favorite part was when we got to create our own sounds. Lauren.
Today was exciting and fun. I had lots of fun making my own lyrics for a rap song. I had fun making music on the computer. Fortunato.
Today was a fun day! We went to the Art Center and we looked at the Art Center and we made music. After that we had a tour around the Art Center where the music part was. We saw fancy dresses and clothes that famous people / musicians wore. I loved the day! Stephanie.
We got to write / make our own music and I really enjoyed doing that. Jacob.
Year 4/5
Inquiry News
We have been enjoying listening to migration stories, last week being Ethan's mum and grandparents, this week was Alex's grandmother's opportunity to share her family's migration story. Unlike the McLeay family, who escaped war in Vietnam, the Bordignon family emigrated to Australia after WW2 for a better life and more opportunities.
It's been fascinating listening to these stories that have helped us understand each other better. Our next speaker is an Aboriginal woman who also has connections to Japan. Another fascinating story of migration that I know our students will love to hear.
Speaking of Aboriginal people, it would be remiss of us as a place of education if we didn't mention the sad news of the passing of Archie Roach this week; musician, storyteller and survivor of the Stolen Generations. Archie's seminal song, Took the Children Away, educated us all about the Government policy of forcibly removing Aboriginal children from their families.
Although we are steeped in examining the First Fleet at the moment, we will look at other major moments that shaped Australia, the Gold Rush and Eureka Stockade, Federation, World Wars and the White Australia Policy. Lots of great learning and investigating still to come.
We'll leave you with some more Did You Knows...
- debate still rages as to how smallpox arrived in Australia
- Captain Arthur Phillip was the first governor of New Holland and returned to England with two Aboriginal people
- Bennelong was part of the Wangal clan, captured by Phillip to use as translator and chief negotiator (The Sydney Opera House is built on what's known as Bennelong Point
- a karaji is a traditional healer and keeper of culture in Aboriginal society ~they possess super natural abilities to heal injuries and illness or to poison and kill
- Pemulwuy was possibly the first Aboriginal warrior who fought resistance against the British. He led other Aboriginal people in an effort to defend their land against the Europeans who wanted it for themselves.
Arts Centre Excursion
What an absolutely brilliant day we had today! The Years 3-6 students went to the Arts centre to spend the day writing songs, creating music and basically having a great time!
A big thankyou to Kate Harris for organising this for us !