Principal's Message

Amadeo Ferra

Progress Meetings

There were many lessons from remote learning and some of them are about learning what worked well that we think we should consider continuing. Like all the local secondary schools we have opted to keep Student Progress Meetings online, at least for our first one early next term. Even with the relaxed Covid Safe rules we still have to maintain 2sqm between people making it too challenging to return to face to face meetings with over three hundred people in at any given time. The overwhelming feedback from parents and carers was that the online meetings last year worked extremely well. Generally appointments stuck to time (compared to the face to face meetings) and people didn’t have to worry about parking down the street.

Open Night

 Despite not having an Open Night last year we were again overwhelmed with enrolment enquiries and as a result, the school population has continued to grow with 1041 students currently enrolled. This year we opted for a Virtual Open Night on April 21st. Having had a sneak peak at what it will look like and I must say it is quite impressive. Any family that signs up for the interactive Open Night also has an opportunity to have a small group tour of the College so they can see our school in action during the day so please encourage anyone you know that is looking at local secondary schools to visit us.

Term Break

It is a great achievement that we end the term without having a mandate to wear face masks at school! To say that 2020 was truly an unusual year would be an understatement.  Never would I have thought we would be temperature checking, sanitising, social distancing and wearing masks at school, locked in our homes and subject to curfew.  Our school by its design is a place of collaboration, sharing and engagement, fortunately we are also a community that embraces challenge and change.  Our collective efforts as a community in dealing with this virus has seen most restrictions lifted and I am sure we are all looking forward to spending the term break including Easter with family and friends.


Have a safe break everyone and we will see you all in Term 2.