Principal's News

Dear Families,

It has been a slow process but we are gradually getting back to being able to gather as a school community both indoors and outdoors. Last Thursday I had the great pleasure of meeting and talking with many parents, grand parents and family members at the Prep Playdate afternoon.  

It is on these occasions that we can actually get to know each other, share our stories and socialize in a less formal way. Thank you to all those families who were able to attend and to the teachers and staff who helped organize the event. Let's hope this is just one of many more wonderful experiences we can have at Trinity.  From what I have heard I cannot wait till we are able to host an event which involves the sharing of food from our wonderfully diverse community. 

A big thank you to Issy, Hannah's dad for taking these wonderful photos, a great example of the amazing talent we have in our community.  


Isamu Sawa Photography


Last Friday a number of parents attended our whole school assembly for the first time and were able to participate in the class sharing and awards presentations that take place.  We look forward to more parents being able to join us for this special part of the week. This week Prep/1SG will be the class sharing their learning and Mr Anania's Year 4/5s will be hosting & leading. 


School Promotion & Marketing

As I am sure you all know, promoting our school is an important aspect of maintaining and building our enrolments. Whilst we all know how lucky we are to have such a wonderful school, it is necessary for us to do all we can to share this with the local community. One significant method of achieving this is through our school website which we need to ensure is up to date and creates an accurate and positive picture of who we are and all we offer. Our first step in adding some important content to our website will be to create a School Promo Video to showcase our facilities and programs. Over the next two weeks we hope to complete this and have it ready to share as soon as possible. We have many other great initiatives in the planning stages so that we, as a community, can insure that Trinity has a fresh, contemporary and exciting image in our local community. We will seek input and ideas from parents, children and staff as we continue to look for ways of promoting our school and creating the best image and reputation we can. 


Thank you to all those who have now completed the school communication survey. We will use this data to ensure we can continually improve in this important area of family school partnership. 



School Improvement at Trinity

Priority 1: 

Developing high-impact instructional                     leadership

"The high impact leader creates a school climate in which everybody learns, learning is shared, and critique isn't just tolerated, it is welcomed..." (Professor John Hattie, 2015)

At Trinity this year one of our key priorities will be to focus on building a learning community which ensures all members of staff are continually learning to improve their practice for the ultimate goal of improving the learning opportunities and experiences for your children. Getting feedback from children and families will be an important part of this process. 

Today I have included a Google form HERE so that parents, students and staff can give their thoughts in regard to the values we believe are most important to us as a community at Trinity. 

The values we choose will guide us as we continue to develop our schools mission statement and directions over the next four years.  

A warm welcome to Mr Liam Gooding who began taking music classes this week. We are sure he will add a wonderful new dimension to our school program. 

Kind Regards

Mr Nigel Rodrigues 
