ASPIRE Program


During the last week of Term our Year 3/4 students were invited to Siena College to participate in their ASPIRE (Achieve, Shine, Play, Ignite, Reflect, Engage) program to work with their Year 8/9 students on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, The Arts and Mathematics) activities. STEAM education is an integrated curriculum designed to equip students with knowledge in these five disciplines as they gain invaluable experience solving problems in which there is not one right answer. 


The aim by Siena College was to encourage a lifelong interest in the five relevant disciplines and encourage students to pursue a career in the STEAM sector. Many countries, including Australia, are making efforts to boost their STEAM enrolments at the tertiary level to meet future needs in the workplace.


The ASPIRE Program theme for 2021 was ‘Home and Community’. The Year 8/9 Siena College students worked in groups with our Year 3/4 students, exploring what ‘home’ means to them, at both a local and global level, and how our communities connect them.


At the end of the final session, students presented their projects and parents were invited to attend, via Zoom.


It was a wonderful opportunity for both our students and teachers to experience. Our students were engaged by the learning activities which gave them an opportunity to use resources usually only accessed at secondary level.