News from the Art Room


What a fun term of Art we have had! Students have been re-familiarising themselves with the Art Room expectations and in the case of the Prep students, learning the rules and how to ensure their safety and that of others.


All students began the term by undertaking a self portrait project using different mediums. For the younger students the task involved drawing themselves to the best of their ability and including basic facial features and hair. For the older students, their task was to create a self portrait that reflected their likes and hobbies using a medium of their choice.

Prep students learned about the three primary colours of red, blue and yellow by creating a Piet Mondrian inspired artwork that involved printmaking and paint, while JLC students reinforced their knowledge of the secondary colours (orange, green and purple) by creating a 3-dimensional paper sculpture. This paper sculpture also focused on the use of fine motor skills for cutting, folding and gluing as well as manipulating paper into different forms.

Middle and Senior students began to work on their drawing skills by learning the correct way to draw a cube and then practising this by using either the guidelines or measurement method. While some students found it challenging, they persevered to complete a final drawing with a well executed cube.

Next term students will be exploring the mediums of printmaking and textiles. 


Miss Carly Wills

Visual Arts Teacher