
Looking after our planet...

Working Bee 

Last Saturday we hosted a Working Bee with the aim to clear out our level 1 garden of it's dead plants. We had an incredible team of families and children from SMPS volunteer an hour of their Saturday to get their hands dirty. It is amazing what work was completed in that short time frame. Take a look!





We can't thank our volunteers enough! We look forward to our setting up our Garden club next term in our cleaned space!

Donations for Garden Club:

We are currently in the process of fundraising money to put toward our Garden club. Currently we are working with what we have which is limited resources. We kindly ask for any donations big or small that can make our Garden Club thrive in the meantime.



Earth Hour and Earth Day:

Earth Hour:

When: 27th March

What: Every year hundreds of millions of people around the world in more than 7,000 cities in over 190 countries take part by switching off for 60 minutes as a symbolic gesture of solidarity to show they care about our planet's future.


This year, Earth Hour is at 8.30pm local time Saturday 27 March. We're inviting all Australians to make the #SwitchforNature to demonstrate their support for the switch to a renewables-based economy for Australia. Individual actions can benefit our planet, while symbolically demonstrating support for a renewable future for our country, and for the world. 


You could:

- Switch to solar power.

- Switch your ride, take your bike instead of a car.

- Or just #SwitchOff your lights for Earth Hour to show your support for Australia becoming a renewables powerhouse.


To find out more and what you can do to celebrate this day visit: 


Earth Day:

When: 22nd April

What: Earth Day is an annual event celebrated around the world on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. 


This year's theme is Restore our Earth. Our Sustainability leaders will be hosting a small assembly on the morning of this day in Term 2, educating and involving us all to celebrate our Earth.

Help Our School Community Garden

Our school is competing in the Colgate Community Garden Challenge!

The schools that collect the most oral care waste and online votes can win a recycled community garden set!


The competition hasn't started yet but we wanted to get a head start!


Bring in any used/finished oral care products to school to recycle. There will be a labeled box on the ground floor for students to recycle these products brought from home.


See below what products can be brought in to be recycled.


Our Sustainability Heroes of the Week

Our awesome family and friend volunteers are our heroes this week. We can't thank them enough for the hard work they put in last Saturday!