Term Dates 2021
Term One 2021
Thursday 28 January 2021 - Thursday 1 April 2021
Term Two 2021
Monday 19 April 2021 - Friday 25 June 2021
Term Three 2021
Monday 12 July 20201 - Friday 17 September 2021
Term Four 2021
Monday 04 October 2021 - Friday 17 December 2021
For more information on term dates please visit:
Note: Term dates may be subject to change in the current climate (COVID-19). GEKA continue to be guided by the Department of Education and Training (DET) and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
GEKA Office:
Level 1, 2 North Drive
236 - 262 East Boundary Road
Bentleigh East, VIC 3165
Phone: 03 9570 5866
Kindergarten Fees Term 2
The fees for Term 2 have been sent to all families. A reminder that all fees are due and payable by the 17th March – 2 weeks from invoice date, and can be made by credit card (no surcharge), or by direct deposit to the GEKA account. Payment options are on the invoice.
If you have any queries regarding the invoice, please contact finance at
Finance can also be contacted should you require special assistance to pay the invoice as we have a range of options including payment plans.
A reminder also regarding collection times. Please ensure your child is collected on time – being 4pm for 4YO, and 1:30pm for 3YO. A late collection fee may apply if your child is consistently collected after these times. Please contact the kindergarten directly as early as possible if you are going to be late due to extenuating circumstances.
A reminder to families that Flexibuzz has now transitioned to FlexiSchools. Download the app through the link below to continue following your Kindergarten Group.
If you need any assistance, please contact
Kinder Tick
The Victorian Government is introducing a new logo to help families find funded kindergarten programs that they can count on. The Kinder Tick makes it easier for services to show families they offer kindergarten programs approved to receive Victorian Government funding.
When families see the Kinder Tick, they can be confident:
- the program will be led by a qualified early childhood teacher
- children will benefit from play-based learning
- the kindergarten program is funded and approved by the Victorian Government
- the program meets government guidelines and complies with the National Quality Framework.
Connect With Us
Our social media platforms are a great way to learn about GEKA programs and services, latest news, upcoming, events, involvement opportunities and more.
Virtual Tours
We are excited to invite you to explore our Kindergartens through this new immersive online tour experience. Gain a thorough insight into our Kindergartens and programs with 360 degree views of our indoor and outdoor spaces. Our services exceed the National Standard for the delivery of high-quality programs and environments for children.