From the Principal

Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, Staff and Friends of St Norbert College,

It is openly expressed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church that the Holy Eucharist is “...the source and summit of our Christian life” and so what better way than to celebrate faith and spirituality at St Norbert College as a Christian community; a Catholic school influenced by the ethos of the Norbertine Order, than with a special Community Mass.


This year, the College Community Mass was held on Sunday 24th February in the College grounds and was a very special time to share with all of our families. I must convey our thanks to Fr Peter, Miss Margaret Kyd, Mrs Penny Mulley, Mr Chadwick Beins and the many other staff, students and families who assisted with the organisation and celebration of this special occasion. It was also wonderful to have Fr Stephen Cooney, one of our founding Fathers, present with us on Sunday. There was an opportunity following Mass to meet and greet with families and friends over a sausage sizzle and thanks must go to the members of SNESA (St Norbert’s Ex-Students Association) who assisted in cooking the sausages.


I would like to take this opportunity to remind our students, staff and families of the Plenary Council 2020. We have until Ash Wednesday next week to respond to the invitation to participate in the first phase of the Plenary Council: an open and inclusive process of listening, dialogue and discernment about the future of the Catholic Church in Australia. The following link will allow those interested to find out more about the Plenary Council and the listening and dialogue sessions.


In the spirit of the Plenary Council, we must continue to ask of ourselves, “What do you think God is asking of us at this time?”


In the readings at our Community Mass and in Fr Peter’s homily, we are challenged to be a life-giving spirit, to be Christian. This coming week we mark the beginning of Lent, a very special time on our liturgical calendar with the celebration of Ash Wednesday. It is during this time that we are reminded to commit ourselves to be more Christ like in all that we do. We are called to prayer, fasting and almsgiving, to examine our hearts and minds, actions that strengthen us spiritually. I look forward to sharing these elements of our Catholic faith, highlighted during Lent, with all members of our community. 


Finally, I wish you all a restful and family-focussed long weekend.

God Bless,

Mr S Harvey (Principal)