Cultural Corner

Harmony Day

Harmony Day is a day of cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home. This day aims at celebrating our cultural diversity. The ongoing theme of Harmony Day is 'everyone belongs'. There are over 24 million people living in Australia who all contribute different customs, ideas, cultures, and languages to our country. At St Norbert College, we have over 40 different nationalities that make up our diverse community. We celebrate our diversity, from the traditional owners of this land to those who have travelled from countries all around the world to be here. In recognition of Harmony Day 2019, we will be holding our sixth annual Harmony Day celebration this year.


On this day we will be acknowledging and embracing our multicultural identity as well as upholding the sense of belonging and respect for everyone that calls Australia home. On Wednesday, March 20, the College will host a whole school Liturgical Service and an International Food Fair. Staff and students can purchase samples of foods from various countries at their designated food stalls. Food tokens will be on sale a week before the event outside the Student Ministry Office during lunchtime. Each sample serve will be $1.


Students are allowed to wear their traditional dress to school on Harmony Day. We are looking forward to receiving food contributions for the International Food Fair from the College community. 


In order to make this event possible, your donation of food to our College community is greatly appreciated. We would like a minimum of 30 sample serves of food from your country of origin. Please make sure that your preparation of food is nut free. If you are willing to contribute, kindly complete the form by clicking the link by Wednesday March 6:


Your contributions are always appreciated. We thank you for your ongoing support of the St Norbert College community.


Mrs C Miranda (Harmony Day Coordinator)