
Prémontré’s Year of the Penguin

What a start to 2019!!!!!!!!!!! With the Week of the Penguin still fresh in the minds of all St Norbert students and staff the hectic but positive start to the Prémontré year has been one to remember.


Week One began with a number of activities for the enjoyment of all and to celebrate the Feast Day of our Patron, Blessed Hugh of Fosse. At recess the Prémontré leaders, Calum Tavani, Gracie Farrar, Emma Vlahov and Sanjita Ghimire successfully organised and ran the ‘Pin the Crown on the Penguin’ activity which was enjoyed my many. Blind-folded and disorientated students from any House group were challenged to place the crown on the head of the penguin - where it rightfully belonged!!!

At lunch (again during Week One) more opportunities were provided by the Prémontré leaders with the viewing of a movie favourite, Penguins of Madagascar. All students were welcomed into the coolness of the Br Pat Forum and offered popcorn and lollies for their enjoyment. It was great to see so many people attend with their friends to relax, have a laugh and escape the summer heat!!!


On Friday of Week One the ‘House of Penguins’ celebrated Prémontré Day. We began with a wonderful Liturgy with Fr Peter and run by the students. It was heart-warming to hear the Prémontré students speak and to witness the reverence by all who attended. Following Liturgy the House moved to the ORC to share a meal of pizza and fruit with the Prémontré students and staff who also competed in the annual ‘Castles/Dodge Ball’ challenge. Congratulations to P7 for winning the trophy for 2019.


The Prémontré juggernaut continued to roll-on when we won the Interhouse Swimming Carnival recently. It was a great team effort where students and staff worked together to ensure ALL races were filled and we put our best TEAM-EFFORT forward. Congratulations and thank you to all the Penguins who participated and supported on the day!!


With our busy start to the year behind us, we look forward to the challenges ahead. It has been inspiring to see the students of Prémontré respond to the 2019 leaders who are doing an amazing job in doing their best to make it the Year of the Penguin.


Mr B McGrath (Head of House - Prémontré)