Pastoral Care News

This week our Year 10 C.A.T Leaders visited all students to provide information about our major activity for term 1.

It has been a tradition throughout the Lent period to collect financial donations to support the work of Caritas Australia both here in Australia and overseas. This year however as a direct result of the horrendous bush fires all homerooms, students and staff have been given the opportunity to sponsor either a koala bear or a beehive. As we know the impact of the fires on koalas has placed what was already an at-risk species to critically low numbers. On going medical costs and sourcing suitable food will assist in preserving this uniquely Australian icon. There is no quick fix solution and programs will need to be sustainable and ongoing.


Drought, the removal of native flora and deforrestation; in addition to the fires, have had a detrimental effect on our bee population. Bees are not only extremely important for humans, but also for entire ecosystems to function. Bees allow plants to reproduce through pollination. These plants contribute to the food system by feeding animals – aside from humans – such as birds and insects. Bees are pollinators and play a role in the production of many food crops. A lack of pollinators will reduce availability of some of our favorite fruits and vegetables. We need to make a significant change and do what we can to ensure their existence.


Throughout the period of Lent students and all staff are invited to make a financial contribution and we have set a realistic goal of $100 per room. We are extremely confident that this target will be reached and perhaps even exceeded therefore providing the opportunity to sponsor both our identified recipients.


This activity will be officially be launched on Shrove Tuesday aka “Pancake Day” when the C.A.T will sell pancakes at lunchtime, sell raffle tickets and entertain students via the MCC radio station. Wednesday all students and staff will participate in our Ash Wednesday Mass which marks the commencement of Lent.


The members of the CAT have followed the teachings of St Vincent de Paul, SEE, THINK and DO and have created an inclusive activity which reflects domains from our vision statement, Stewardship, Service, Care, Faith and Learning.


We look forward to a fantastic day and have already had a positive response and enthusiasm from many students and staff. If you, your family or business would like to be involved in any capacity please contact me.

As the cooler mornings are approaching students may be looking for suitable warmer clothing. Please remember I have a range of items available if required and would like to take this opportunity to remind all students to label their clothing items. Lost property is already got several items waiting collection.

Have a wonderful weekend, stay safe and remember to stop and take some time out of your busy schedule to spend some time on the things that bring you joy and happiness.

Regards Sue Hone

Pastoral Co-ordinator