Principal News

Marian Catholic College Opening Year Mass-Ash Wednesday 26 February

Next Wednesday at 1pm the College community will gather in the Marcellin Hall for our opening of the 2020 school year, asking for the blessing of Jesus Christ on our work for this year. The date also coincides with Ash Wednesday. This important day on the Church calendar sees the commencement of Lent. Students and staff are invited to come forward to receive the Ashes in the form of the cross on their forehead. Our student leaders are involved in the distribution of the Ashes and we thank them for their service in Faith Leadership. Our full choir and band will provide the music. They have been rehearsing for some time. My thanks to all staff involved in preparing our students. Parents and friends of the College are welcome to join us at 1pm.


“Almighty and ever living God, you invite us deeper into your world, your people, your Lent. May this time be one of outward focus; seeking you in those we often ignore.” Amen

“The act of putting on ashes symbolizes fragility and mortality, and the need to be redeemed by the mercy of God. Far from being a merely external act, the Church has retained the use of ashes to symbolize that attitude of internal penance to which all the baptized are called during Lent.”

— Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy


Dear Parents, Students and Friends

The first month of the year has flown by, with so many activities each week. Highlights have included the Welcome to Year Seven Evening and Assistant Principals’ Mrs Lora Segrave and Mr Damien Herb have provided some details in their column. It was great to say hi to so many parents and my thanks those who were able to attend.


The College Swimming Carnival took place two weeks ago. It was enthusiastically contested by all Houses. Unfortunately, the Assembly to present the Age Champions and the winning House had to be postponed due to the new audio/video system crashing! The important presentation will take place next week.

A number of staff recently received Recognition of Service to Catholic Education at the Wagga Wagga Murrumbidgee Deanery Mass.

Congratulations to the following staff

10 Years                                                                                  20 Years

Ivan Mason                                                                       Maureen Shannon

Wendy Olsen

Julie Duncan

Lisa Davis

Simon Aventi

Joanne Smith

Michelle Quade


Peace and Best wishes



Alan Le Brocque