Year 7 News


On Thursday, the 6th of September 706 and 709 went on an excursion to Scienceworks. We caught two trains to Spotswood, then walked for ten minutes to Scienceworks. Once we arrived, we were able to look around and explore all the interesting activities in the general viewing area. Some of our favourites were the wheelchair race and the tunnel you had to walk through that makes you feel dizzy because it is turning around. After spending a good hour in the general viewing area, we went out to have a snack and then made our way to the Planetarium to watch two exciting shows.


The first show we saw was all about black holes. A black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that not even light can escape. The show told us about how the gravity in the black hole is very strong and how this can happen when a star is dying. The second show we saw was about what you can see at night in our skies. We were shown about all the different pictures and shapes that the stars can make (constellations) and what planets you can actually look at during the night. The planets you could see that night were Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury. Then after the amazing show, we had our lunch and made our way back to the train station to go home.

By Izabellah Brunn & Emily Martin.

EPP Showcase

On Tuesday 11th of September the EPP and EP+ students presented their final showcase.

It was a fantastic event with many people from the school community sharing in the experience. Stalls ranged from a modified AFL game, a novel written by a student, a dancing through the ages video, sporting charades game and many more.

We are looking forward to seeing what you all produce in Year 8 in 2019.


Below are some photos and student reflections of the event


The showcase was a wonderful experience. Hannah and I were well prepared before walking into the IC. Unfortunately, a chain of unfortunate events occurred. After we had set up the boards and table, Hannah tried to track down pins and I tried to set up the video on the laptop. Sadly, we both failed. I also couldn’t figure out how to print the headings until 20 minutes to the showcase, and I got ready last minute. If there’s one thing I learned from that, it was that we should have had a backup plan and managed our time better when setting up. Thankfully everything ended up looking better than we had planned and the actual showcase went splendidly! Everyone loved our video, laughed at our blooper reel, asked many questions, and read all of our information. It was so fun and I can’t wait to do it again next year.

By Dayna Corkery


My project for the showcase was character design, and I managed to present two boards full of my drawings. It looked a lot better than I thought it would on paper, and in general I was happy with both my computer set up, the stickers and the posters. Throughout the night I had heaps of people take stickers and even more stop to talk to me about what I had made, it was awesome to get so much feedback on my art. The night was a success in general, and I would definitely do something for a showcase again.

By Matilda Forsyth