Year 1 News

 Ayaan 1B

I was extremely excited to go to the Melbourne Museum and discover a heap more about mini-beasts, and see interesting stuff about Dinosaurs. We saw a heap of magnificent bones from Dinosaurs.

A few of my friends and I were watching a movie in 3D glasses in a huge room. I could not believe that the workers had 4 million bugs at the Melbourne Museum. We did an activity that includes mini-beasts, which was ‘insects or not insects’. The Butterfly and Dragonfly were the hardest to solve and my group did it the quickest. I cannot wait to go again.

Charlotte 1B

The night before the excursion, I was so excited. All of the Grade 1s and all of the Grade 1 teachers and 12 parent helpers went to the Melbourne Museum. When we got there, we had our snack and then we went to a mini-beasts show. We learnt how to tell which is a bug or insect.

After the show, we went to see some bugs then we went to a movie. We had to put 3D glasses on. Then we had lunch. After lunch, we went to a rain forest where we walked through a cave and looked for mini-beasts. Then we went back to School on the bus.