
Lucie Hill
Library Technician
Hello everyone and welcome to winter. As much as I love the warm weather, I also love these cold days where we get to wear our scarves, gloves and hats. One of my favourite things to do is curl up in a cosy chair with a good book. Not at work of course, although sometimes it is very tempting.
Question: What does BEING KIND mean to you? Is it something that you say, something you do or is it something you think? In fact, it can be all of these things.
I would like to share with you, a list of Random Acts of Kindness that may inspire you to do some kind acts of your own. It does not take much effort or time, and there is no cost involved. However, I guarantee you will feel so good inside, knowing you have been kind and have shown kindness to someone. Click on the link to see the list.
I would like to say thank you to all the students for coming in regularly to borrow books from the library. This year we have seen an increase in the number of books being borrowed, which is very pleasing.
In this Newsletter, I have shared with you an article that appeared in a newspaper recently. It is titled, Get Kids Reading for Love, and I hope you will all read it and take something away from the article that you can put into practice. Reading is so important and if the 'love' of reading can be established in the early years, there is a great chance of creating a lifelong love of reading.
Happy reading!