Visual Arts

Denise Stach & Kerry Eeckman
Visual Arts Teachers
The students of Year 3/4 have been hard at work during Term 2 looking at the culture of the Native Americans and their beautifully carved Totem Poles. The students have had to persist and work through 'hard' to get to 'easy', using materials and surfaces with which they are not as familiar. Working on a curved surface was certainly a challenge for most. The Totems represent animals that the students love, admire or are interested in for known or unknown reasons. They tell a story of each child's interests and passions. There are many more wonderful examples in the Art Room and Office Foyer. You are very welcome to come and view them.
Could you please save these items for the Art Room?
1. 1 litre milk cartons (cardboard type only)
2. Moccona jar (just the glass lids)
3. Wool
4. Any out of date rice
5. Spray Can lids
6. Cardboard rolls (only glad wrap type size)
Thank you to the person who generously drops off bags of boxes and plastic containers for the Art Room, those resources are valuable. Please do not send anymore as we are at storage capacity.
Thank you.