Music notes

Music Department
Term 2 has been a great challenge to push the boundaries of how we can learn, create, and perform music! Ensembles have been working through repertoire and studying specific recordings to prepare for rehearsals, instrumental lessons have continued via Zoom, and in classroom music we have been utilising "SoundTrap" to write and record music online!
On behalf of all the music staff, I would like to thank students for remaining engaged in their music studies and families for their support of students needing to practise their instruments and attend lessons from home. We know how loud it can be!
While we did unfortunately have to cancel the Term 2 Camp and all concerts, we are hoping to be able to put on some performances for family and friends later in the year.
Please remember that all ensembles will re-commence rehearsals from Tuesday 9th June, and that instrumental lessons will now be conducted back on site. We encourage all students to check their Compass timetable for their lesson times the day before. Any Year 7 - 10 students with lessons scheduled for 8:40am are permitted to attend school at this time for their lessons, as are students who participate in our morning ensemble rehearsals: Arnold St - Tuesday's at 7:30am, and Orchestra - Friday's at 7:30am.
Nick Taylor
Head of Music